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HAWC Sensitivity Andrew Smith April 20-21,2007 Collaboration Meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "HAWC Sensitivity Andrew Smith April 20-21,2007 Collaboration Meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 HAWC Sensitivity Andrew Smith April 20-21,2007 Collaboration Meeting

2 Sensitivity with vs trigger threshold. No gamma/hadron separation

3 Sensitivity after gamma/hadron separation. Require at least 20 bkg events passing cuts.

4 nTop/cxPE distributions for various thresholds

5 Sensitivity after g/h separation. Based on extrapolation of fits to the bkg. Require >30% of gammas pass. No nTop/cxPE cuts>12. G/h separation breaks down for large events.

6 Relative sensitivity (compared to Milagro at 22 o ) as a function of source transit angle.

7 Sensitivity of HAWC: Integral sensitivity for Crab spectrum.

8 Do same analysis with slices in nTop instead of >trigger threshold. Combining slices in quadrature --> 117  /year

9 Effect of Elevation Raises threshold -> Changes Physics ~5x less EM energy at Milagro elevation compared to 4100m -> ~sqrt(5) lower sensitivity Using a 100 PMT trigger compare sensitivity: Eff of background is ~2x better at lower elev. Reletive sensitivity ~1.6

10 Effect of Curtains


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