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Parasitology 寄生蟲學 Handbook of medical parasitology Edited by Zaman and Loh.

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Presentation on theme: "Parasitology 寄生蟲學 Handbook of medical parasitology Edited by Zaman and Loh."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parasitology 寄生蟲學 Handbook of medical parasitology Edited by Zaman and Loh

2 Parasites 寄生蟲種類 Morphology 形態 Pathogenicity 致病性 Life cycle of parasites 生活史 Clinical aspects 臨床症狀 Treatment 治療 Diagnosis 檢驗 寄生蟲學課程內容

3 Introduction to Parasitology International Code Zoological Nomenclature Morphology Genetic structure Classification of parasites Species ; types ; races ; strains Chemotaxonomy Serotaxonomy Electron microscopic identification

4 Introduction to Parasitology Host : definitive host intermediate host Routes of infection Skin penetration Oral infection (ingestion) Mucous membrane infection Inoculation by arthropod vector Sexual intercourse (venereal transmission) Congenital transmission Life cycle of parasites

5 Introduction to Parasitology Classification of parasites Protozoa 原蟲 Helminths 蠕蟲: Cestodes 絛蟲 Trematodes 吸蟲 Nematodes 線蟲 Arthropods 節肢動物 Diagnostic techniques 檢驗技術

6 Parasite 寄生蟲 - An organism which is dependent on another parasitoid organism for its survival. Host 宿主 - An organism which harbours the parasite and is usually larger than the parasite. Ectoparasite 外寄生 - A parasite which lives on the outside of the host. Endoparasite 內寄生 - A parasite which lives within the body of the host.. Terms Used in Parasitology and Infectious Diseases Parasitoid

7 Facultative parasite 兼性寄生 - A parasite which capable of living both freely and as a parasite. Obligate parasite 絕對寄生 - A parasite which is completely dependent upon the host. Commensal 片利共生 - A parasite which does not damage the host. Symbiont 共生物 - A parasite which contributes to the welfare of the host.

8 Symbiosis 共生作用 - A situation in which host-parasite relationship results in advantages rather than disadvantages. Pathogen 病原 - A parasite which is able to produce disease. Pathogenicity 致病性 -Is the ability of a parasite to produce disease. Virulence 致病毒力 - Refers to the degree of pathogenicity. Reservior host 儲備宿主 - Where the parasite is maintained in nature and which acts as a source for individual new cases.

9 Intermediate host 中間宿主 - A host in which the intermediate stages of the parasite develop. Definitive host 終宿主 - A host in which the definitive or the final stages of the parasite. Paratenic host 保幼宿主 - A host which acts as a transporting agent for the parasite and in which the parasite does not undergo any development. Infection 感染 - Means the presence of a parasite in or on the tissues of a host. Such colonization may or may not have a deleterious effect on the host.

10 Disease 疾病 - If parasite has a deleterious effect on the host. Infestation 侵染, 感染 - The presence of arthropods on the skin of the host. Epidemic 流行性 - The sudden appearance of an infection which spreads rapidly and involves large population. Endemic 地方性, 本土性 - An infection which has always existed in a region. Pandemic 全球性 – A widespread epidemic, usually of world-wide proportion. These are mainly viral diseases.

11 Incubation 潛伏期 – The time between the entrance of a parasite into a host and the beginning of the disease. Habitat 棲所 – The natural abode of a parasite species. Ecology 生態 – The relationship between a population of an organism and the environment. When this is a balanced relationship the host remains healthy. Disease is manifested when this relationship breaks down. Zoonosis 人畜共通疾病 – Diseases of animals which are transmissible to man. Anthroponosis 人畜共通疾病 -Diseases of man which are transmissible to animals.

12 Incidence 發生率 – Is a number of new cases occurring within a given period of time, often expressed as the number per 100,000 people per year. Prevalence 盛行率 – Is the proportion of people who have the disease at a certain time in a designated area. Opportunistic parasites or infections 伺機性寄生蟲或感染 – Parasites which are not normally pathogens but become so due to impairment of host resistance. These are assuming increasing clinical importance because of the AIDS epidemic. Morbidity 致病 ( 罹患 ) 率 – Incidence of disease in a given population, including both nonfatal and fatal cases.

13 Mortality 死亡率 – Incidence of death in a given population. In vivo 體內 – In the body, in a living organism. In vitro 體外 – In culture medium. Monoxenous species– parasite fully develop in one host Heteroxenous species– parasite development more than one host

14 Cell-mediated immunity 細胞中介免疫 – An immune response generated by the activities of non-antibody producing cells. Humoral immunity 體液免疫 – An immune response due to the activities of antibodies. Active immunity 主動免疫 – An immune state achieved by self production of antibodies. Passive immunity 被動免疫 – An immune state resulting from transfer of antibodies from an immune to a non immune individual.

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