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(NepRWA 2004) 48 ft 3 158 ft 3 198 ft 3 What will change to the hydrology of the marsh if it were restored? How can we utilize hydrology to restore.

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2 (NepRWA 2004) 48 ft 3 158 ft 3 198 ft 3



5 What will change to the hydrology of the marsh if it were restored? How can we utilize hydrology to restore the marsh? Several mechanisms for restoring hydrology. What are mechanisms. How effective will they be. How effective in other systems. Long-term consequences. maintenance. What volume of water is coming down the river. What do the channels look like. What is known, what is unknown?

6 Mosquito ditches Allow tides to penetrate higher into the marsh than otherwise could Thought to lower marsh water table Mosquito ditches can naturally fill in Or mechanically filled as restoration effort

7 Ditch plugging and filling Plugging: – Plugging the entry of the ditch – May require extensive maintenance Filling: – Can fill in using spoil if present – Perceived as more costly but likely restores a greater area of marsh

8 Ditch plugging and filling Need to consider other factors – Ditches in marsh elevation process – Sea Level Rise Corman et al. 2012

9 Ditch Plugging or Filling Corman et al. 2012

10 Ditch plugging and filling Have to maintain elevation relative to sea level rise – Resist submerging the marsh or converting to open water – Promote natural accretion Determine proper elevation in relation to the tide level that will create a hydrologic regime. – Especially one where the desired vegetation is adapted Corman et al. 2012

11 If filling affects elevation Create new creeks using dredging techniques – Allows for flow of water further into marsh Case studies: – Neponset River Marsh – Broad Meadows Marsh Dredging

12 Neponset River Marsh 2005 2004 2013


14 Broad Meadows Marsh 2009 2013

15 Broad Meadows Marsh 2008 2013


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