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Business English Upper Intermediate U2W09 John Silberstein

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Presentation on theme: "Business English Upper Intermediate U2W09 John Silberstein"— Presentation transcript:

1 Business English Upper Intermediate U2W09 John Silberstein

2 Agenda This term’s subject matter Management Definition & Concepts Management Functions Managers v. Leaders Management Styles Company Mission and Goals Presentations Grammar Focus – Verbs Metaphors, Idioms and Similes Misc. stuff

3 Management What is Management?

4 Management As a discipline, management comprises of the interlocking functions of formulating corporate- policy and organizing, planning, controlling, and directing the firm's resources to achieve the policy's objectives. The size of management can range from one person in a small firm to hundreds or thousands of managers in multinational companies. In large firms the board of directors formulates the policy which is implemented by the chief executive officer. Some business analysts and financiers accord the highest importance to the quality and experience of the managers in evaluating an organizations current and future worth.

5 Management Management is creative problem solving. This creative problem solving is accomplished through four functions of management: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The intended result is the use of an organization's resources in a way that accomplishes its mission and objectives.

6 Management Five Functions of Management: Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Controlling

7 Management Planning: the ongoing process of developing the business' mission and objectives and determining how they will be accomplished. Planning includes both the broadest view of the organization, e.g., its mission, and the narrowest, e.g., a tactic for accomplishing a specific goal.

8 Management Organizing: is establishing the internal organizational structure of the organization. The focus is on division, coordination, and control of tasks and the flow of information within the organization. It is in this function that managers distribute authority to job holders.

9 Management Staffing: is filling and keeping filled with qualified people all positions in the business. Recruiting, hiring, training, evaluating and compensating are the specific activities included in the function. In the family business, staffing includes all paid and unpaid positions held by family members including the owner/operators.

10 Management Directing: is influencing people's behavior through motivation, communication, group dynamics, leadership and discipline. The purpose of directing is to channel the behavior of all personnel to accomplish the organization's mission and objectives while simultaneously helping them accomplish their own career objectives.

11 Management Controlling: is a four-step process of establishing performance standards based on the firm's objectives, measuring and reporting actual performance, comparing the two, and taking corrective or preventive action as necessary.

12 Management: Planning There are two basic types of planning Strategic Planning Tactical Planning

13 Management: Planning Strategic planning is concerned with the longer term and the ‘big picture’. It is the process of defining the company’s mission, determining the overall goals of the organizations and allocating resources to reach these. Strategic Planning

14 Management: Planning Operational planning is concerned with translating the general, long-term goals into more specific, concrete work of departments. It is done by middle and supervisory managers. Tactical/Operational Planning

15 Management: Planning How does planning take place? What is the planning process? Who is involved in the planning process? Questions about Planning we will answer

16 Management: Planning Usually planning starts with the statement of the company mission and objectives. How does planning take place?

17 Management: Planning What is the company mission? Written declaration of a firm's core purpose and focus which normally remain unchanged, whereas business strategies and practices may frequently be altered to adapt to the changing circumstances. Properly crafted mission statements (1) serve as filters to separate what is important from what is not, (2) clearly state which markets will be served and how, and (3) communicate a sense of intended direction to the entire organization. A mission is different from a vision in that the former is the cause and the latter is the effect; a mission is something to be accomplished whereas a vision is something to be pursued for that accomplishment. Also called company mission, corporate mission, or corporate purpose. Mission Statements

18 Management: Planning What is the company mission? A mission statement is a brief description of a company's fundamental purpose. A mission statement answers the question, "Why do we exist?" The mission statement articulates the company's purpose both for those in the organization and for the public. Mission Statements

19 Management: Planning Microsoft’s Mission Statement Our Mission: At Microsoft, we work to help people and businesses throughout the world realize their full potential. This is our mission. Everything we do reflects this mission and the values that make it possible. Mission Statements

20 Management: Planning BMW Mission Statement "The mission statement up to the year 2020 is clearly defined: the BMW Group is the world's leading provider of premium products and premium services for individual mobility." Mission Statements

21 Management: Planning Daimler-Benz Mission Statement We invented the automobile – now we are passionately shaping its future. As a pioneer of automotive engineering, we feel inspired and obliged to continue this proud tradition with groundbreaking technologies and high-quality products. Our philosophy is clear: we give of our best for customers who expect the best – and we live a culture of excellence that is based on shared values. Our corporate history is full of innovations and pioneering achievements; they are the foundation and ongoing stimulus for our claim to leadership in the automotive industry. The principle of sustainable mobility underlies all of our thoughts and actions. Our goal is to successfully meet the demands of future mobility. And in doing so, we intend to create lasting value – for our shareholders, customers and workforce, and for society in general. Mission Statements

22 Management: Planning a goal that an organization sets for itself, for example, profitability, sales growth, or return on investment. These goals are the foundation upon which the strategic and operational policies adopted by the organization are based. Objectives should be reflective of a companies mission. Goals/Objectives

23 Management: Planning Mission Statement: To become the trusted source of specialized software development for our clients. Objective: To further penetrate our regional market and increase the number of clients 25%. Mission statements and Goals/Objectives

24 Management: Planning Mission Statement: To become the trusted source of specialized software development for our clients. Objective: To add additional clients by 5% through client referrals and to increase the revenues generated by each of our key clients by an additional 10%. We will accomplish this by helping our clients to add value to their own processes and increasing their efficiency and ultimately their own profitability. Mission statements and Goals/Objectives

25 Management: Planning Activity: Break into groups of 3. Pick a company you are all familiar with. Develop a possible mission statement for that company and then develop objectives based on the objectives. Mission statements and Goals/Objectives

26 Management: Planning SWOT Strength Weaknesses Opportunities Threats Planning Tools

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