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11 User Pays User Committee 12th November 2009. 2 Agenda  Minutes & Actions from previous meeting  Agency Charging Statement Update  Change Management.

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Presentation on theme: "11 User Pays User Committee 12th November 2009. 2 Agenda  Minutes & Actions from previous meeting  Agency Charging Statement Update  Change Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 11 User Pays User Committee 12th November 2009

2 2 Agenda  Minutes & Actions from previous meeting  Agency Charging Statement Update  Change Management  Change Proposal Update  Modification Update  Operational Updates  IAD Replacement  AOB

3 3 Agency Charging Statement

4 4 ACS Update  Joint Office website has been updated new location for current ACS  Any questions on process please contact; 

5 5 Change Management 5

6 6 Update on Change Process  UPCO001 - IAD Transactional Charging  EQR – Out come of Customer Voting  Next Steps

7 7 Update on Change Process  UPCO002 - IAD Last Access Report  EQR – Outcome of Customer Voting  Next Steps

8 8 Modification Update 8

9 9 Modifications identified as potential User Pays  0209 – Rolling AQ  0231 – Changes to the Reasonable Endeavours Scheme to better incentivise the detection of Theft  0245 – Review of arrangements regarding the detection and investigation of Theft of Gas  0246B – Quarterly NTS Entry Capacity User Commitment  0248 – Meter Reading Replacement  0253 – Facilitating a Supply Point Enquiry Service for Large Supply Points  0255 – Publication of Objection Rates for LSP Supply Points  0260 – Revision of Post-Emergency Claims Arrangements  0264 – Review of industry arrangements to accommodate reduced demand at DM supply points  0270 – Aggregated monthly Reconciliation for Smart Meters

10 10 Operational Update

11 11 Telephone Service Line No of calls Service Availability (target 95% availability) Call answering (target 90% within 30 seconds) October28,89499.33%91% September28,050100%91% August25,936100%92%

12 12 IAD Service Line Number of Accounts Availability (Target 97% availability during core hours) October20,00099.16% September19,500100% August19,000100%

13 13 Email Report Service Line No. of email reports Performance (2 and 5 business days) October119100% September7999% August85100%

14 14 Portfolio Reports Reports sent in the monthPerformance standard October110 September110 August 110

15 15 AQ Enquiries Number of AQ Enquiries processed Performance (Target process by end of second Business Day) October17,959100% September1,072100% August764,423100%

16 16 IAD Account Transaction Volumes Accounts Created (normal process) Bulk Password Resets NumberWithin 10 days Number Requested Completed within Month October’09678100%00 September’09729100%282 August’09703100%115 July’09669100%84 June’09727100%78 May’09621100%192 April’09730100%00 March’09100999.8%258 February’09120082%134187 January’0942649%530 December’0817772%82 November’0858184%227

17 17 IAD Account – Deletion volumes Accounts Deleted (normal process) NumberWithin 10 daysComments October114100% September64100% August207100%

18 18 AOB

19 19 New LSO/DLSO Request Form

20 20 Benefits  Introduces greater security with xoserve Customer Lifecycle validating all requests for LSO/DLSO.  Incorporates IAD LSO/DLSO to the existing request form.  Allows user to specify which applications the LSO/DLSO will be responsible for.

21 21 New LSO/DLSO form

22 22 Key Dates  Proposed implementation – 1 st January 2010 The introduction of the new form was previously discussed in the September meeting and agreement is now sought to introduce the form in line with the above date.

23 23 Unique Sites User Pays reports

24 24 Unique Sites User Pays reports  To date, xoserve has provided the Unique Sites User Pays portfolio split over tabs – one per site type (NTS, RTS, Interconnector)  Data has been provided in merged cells, making it difficult to manipulate  xoserve would like to change the format to a single datasheet containing no merged cells

25 25 Other field changes  To replace the tabs, the site type could be indicated in a separate field  The CSEPs indicator is currently provided within the site name field  This could be provided as a separate field (Y/N) to ease identification  MPRs and datalogger AIS numbers (where applicable) are currently integrated with the site name field  These could be provided in separate fields

26 26 Other fields  All load data (AQ, SOQ, SHQ, BSSOQ) could be ordered to appear together  Exit zone and LDZ could be ordered to appear together  Shipper short code and name have been provided within the report to date; xoserve proposes to continue providing this data  All existing fields remain; no fields are proposed to be removed

27 27 Next Steps  Members are asked to consider most appropriate route for progressing this proposed change

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