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Way towards a full partnership Mr. Robert Lainé EADS Astrium Chief Technical Officer.

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Presentation on theme: "Way towards a full partnership Mr. Robert Lainé EADS Astrium Chief Technical Officer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Way towards a full partnership Mr. Robert Lainé EADS Astrium Chief Technical Officer

2 Astrium short overview

3 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p2 Astrium’s activities are based in three key areas, covering all the space domains, from launchers to spacecraft, services and large space test infrastructures Astrium Services Astrium Satellites Astrium Space Transportation The European prime contractor for civil and military space transportation and manned space activities A world leader in the design and manufacturing of satellite and scientific systems At the forefront of satellite services in the secure communications, imagery and navigation fields Astrium: the EADS space division

4 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p3 Astrium main figures and locations Employees:12,587 Turnover:€3.5 billion Order backlog:€12.9 billion CEO:François Auque Sites:Fr, De, UK (including SSTL), Sp, NL, Hungary, etc Netherlands 207 (2%) Employees per country Spain 612 (5%) France 5,504 (44%) UK 2,574 (20%) + SSTL Germany 3,384 (27%) Others 306 (2%)

5 Relevant examples for Poland Space programme and associated Technical and industrial development

6 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p5 Astrium European and International Cooperations experience  Space in Europe has developed through European and international cooperation.  Astrium and its daughter companies have grown for 40 years in cooperation and have applied this expertise to support countries to develop their own Space Programme, capacities, and industrial expertise:  Tutorials and training in Astrium facilities or in Academia  Joint developments  Space Programmes support function of the countries wishes  All these successful space programmes have developed on 3 pillars:  Agency,  Academia  Industry (large and SMEs)

7 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p6 Lessons learnt from European cooperation : the case of Spain  Spain was already present in the Aeronautics domain (CASA)  Spain joined ESA in 1975, as a founding member and participates in all ESA programmes.  Fair return of public money required local industrial capacities with appropriate standards and processes and Spain started to build it.  Small companies have emerged  Astrium invested in a number of Spanish companies which are now major players  Spain is now developing an Optical Earth Observation satellite and a Radar Earth Observation satellite

8 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p7 The Czech ESA PECS example  Astrium involved Czech AICAS Institute for the accelerometer in the SWARM phase A based on MIMOSA experience in 2003  ESA User consultation meeting selected SWARM in April 2004  PECS charter between ESA and Czech Republic signed Nov 2004  SWARM phase B/C/D competition in 2005: Astrium won with AICAS.  SWARM phase B conducted in 2006/2007. Accelerometer contract awarded to VZLU (production partner to AICAS).  Recently ESA stated that the contract allows Czech industry to:  Develop accelerometer technology to reach worldwide market standard  Enlarge its knowledge in methodology, simulations and technology procedures in various fields w.r.t. ESA ECSS standards  Develop manufacturing and testing skills compliant with ESA standards  Strengthening marketing, management, PA and testing skills

9 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p8 Astrium recent export EO programmes  Korea  2000: Kompsat-2 High Resolution platform  2005: COMS satellite, training of Korean Engineers, Joint Development Team  2006: Kompsat-3 very high resolution camera  Thailand  2004: THEOS system, satellite, ground segment, development of applications and training of Thai engineers)  Taiwan  Formosat-2 (Astrosat-500) launched in 2004  Taiwan engineers integrated in the Astrium project teams  Integration of the Satellite in Taiwan.  Algeria  2006: development of a system based on Astrosat-100  integration of one satellite in France and one in Algeria  training of the Algerian engineers Astrium: the only space company in the world supporting countries with first class Operational Earth Observation Systems, based on smallsats

10 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p9 Astrium Earth Observation complete chain Operations Advanced Technology (SiC, Focal Planes) Image Distribution & Remote sensing products (InfoTerra, Spot-Image) Ground segments Satellites Optical & radar Sensors Launchers

11 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p10 A global approach to EO, TC and Navigation programmes including applications & services  Space fully embedded in the citizen life can create new sectors of economy  Already a strong position of Polish industry, SMEs and labs in these fields thanks to the EC and ESA programmes, for example in EO based land applications and services mainly jointly with Infoterra  ESA GSE Land - in the frame of PECS – Urban Mapping (TECHMEX) and Water Quality (IGIK)  FP6 Geoland - methodology for crop monitoring and yield assessment based on EO data (IGIK with Observatory Food Security and Crop Monitoring and Core Service Generic Land Cover)  FP7 Geoland2 – Geoland implementation (IGIK and SRC) (Space Research Institute)  Country specific markets can only be developed locally The whole chain has to be addressed since the beginning to be fully satisfactory

12 Conclusion

13 This document is the property of Astrium. It shall not be communicated to third parties without prior written agreement. Its content shall not be disclosed. p12 Astrium views and conclusion  The European space policy must be at the scale of Europe, however industrial capacity and space budget in Europe are limited  Space based commercial market is growing but engineers and experts are in short supply  Some key hardware are not available in Europe  Poland has a long scientific/technical tradition and industrial capabilities  The European space sector welcomes Poland participation and support  Space in Poland can become an economic and technical driver with an early partnership with space industry and associated universities. Astrium has all the competencies and is fully committed to support Poland in such an endeavour in order to have “more Europe in space” and “more space in Europe”, together.

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