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BELL WORK 9/3/2014 You are outdoors. The sun shines brightly. A cold wind blows from the north. You shiver. Then you zip up your coat. Which pair of words.

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Presentation on theme: "BELL WORK 9/3/2014 You are outdoors. The sun shines brightly. A cold wind blows from the north. You shiver. Then you zip up your coat. Which pair of words."— Presentation transcript:

1 BELL WORK 9/3/2014 You are outdoors. The sun shines brightly. A cold wind blows from the north. You shiver. Then you zip up your coat. Which pair of words represents a cause-and-effect relationship? A scarf, shiver B wind, shiver C shiver, wind D sun, shiver

2 AGENDA 1.Bell Work 2.Vocabulary Organizer 3.Introduction to New Experimental Vocabulary 4.Blood Demonstration 5.Practice 6.Exit Ticket

3 VOCABULARY ORGANIZER A controlled experiment is an experiment that _______ only ____ _______at a time by using a comparison of a control group with an experimental group. A _______ _______ is the group in the experiment that does not change; stays the same throughout the experiment; variable is not applied to this group; we compare all other groups to this one. A _______ _______ is a factor (or something that contributes to a result) that does not change; stays the same throughout the experiment; constant. testsonefactor controlgroup controlfactor

4 CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT An ___________ _______ is a group whose conditions are __________ or ___________. A factor that _________ in an experiment in order to test the hypothesis is called a ___________. The ___________ __________ are the factors that you choose to change in the experiment. The ___________ __________ are what change naturally in the experiment because of the independent variable. experimental group changed manipulated changes variable independent variables dependent variables

5 Check for Understanding

6 Explain to your elbow partner why letter D is the correct answer.

7 NEW VOCABULARY: SCIENTIFIC MODELS A _______ is a representation of an object or system. They explain how something works or describe the structure of something. Examples of models: Physical model- model volcano Mathematical model- graph or chart Conceptual model- system of ideas or theories. model

8 NEW VOCABULARY: TYPES OF GRAPHS Bar graph: used to present and compare data. Line graph: show relationships between the data and display a change over time. Pie chart: used to represent categories of data or values of variables (out of 100%...). Scatter Plot: used to investigate the possible relationship between two variables that both relate to the same "event." For example, a scatter plot could let you see if there's a relationship between population and crime levels.

9 1. 2. 3. 4. Scatter Plot Pie Chart Bar Graph Line Graph

10 BENEFITS & LIMITATIONS OF MODELS Benefits: mobile, can be as large or as small as needed, helps us to better understand history, testable Limitations: models do not act or work exactly like the things they represent Share with your elbow partner some benefits of models and some limitations of models.

11 NEW VOCABULARY: CONTROLLED EXPERIMENT RESULTS Cause and Effect The ________ is the reason for the result. The ________ is the result. For example: Because the plant had no sunlight (cause), it died (effect). Conclusions A ____________ is when you compare your hypothesis with the results of the experiment. cause effect conclusion

12 NEW VOCABULARY: THEORY VS. LAW An explanation that ties together many hypotheses and observations is called a theory; NOT 100% proven true. Example: The Big Bang Theory A law is a statement of what will happen or an explanation of how things work. Example: The Law of Gravity

13 BLOOD DEMONSTRATION You will observe and collect data during the demonstration. You will then practice recording your data using the sheet provided. Remember to reference your academic vocabulary for help.

14 EXIT TICKET List two new things that you learned today in class about designing an experiment. You must turn in your Exit Ticket before you leave class!

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