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The Leadership Conference Chapter Chairs Session 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "The Leadership Conference Chapter Chairs Session 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Leadership Conference Chapter Chairs Session 2013

2 The Leadership Conference Welcome and Opening Remarks Scott Saxe, BOR Chair Nancy Allen, Senior VP/Field

3 The Leadership Conference Envisioning the Board of Our Dreams  Self-introductions at your table  Share your top attribute of a Dream Board with the group

4 The Leadership Conference Informing Our Dialog  BOTs Today o 10 – 24 members o Direct connection to mission: 50% - 100% o Meet 4 – 6 times/year o 1 – 2 hours o Orientation? Yes o Annual Retreat? Yes o Reasonable attendance? Yes

5 The Leadership Conference Informing Our Dialog  Current Challenges o BOT composition—size, diversity o Establishing new term limits, people on and off o Member engagement (during, after BOT service) o Meaningful work o Geographic spread (multiple Boards?) o Volunteerism trends (time “poverty,” burnout, generational differences)

6 The Leadership Conference Informing Our Dialog  Trends o Thinking strategically about BOT composition o Making our expectations clear o Documentation o Accountability (duties, ethics, behavior/conduct, relationships) o Periodic assessments (individual, collective) o Commitment to continuous improvement

7 The Leadership Conference The Process  3 actionable discussion topics  30 minutes each, identical structure o 5 minute introduction o 15 minutes for table group discussion o 10 minutes for Chapter thinking & planning  Use the forms to capture ideas and plans  15 minute break  15 minute discussion recap at the end  Watch the clock

8 The Leadership Conference Clear Expectations & Accountability  Clear Expectations: BOT Chair and ED o Collegial, mutually respectful partnership o Know “who does what”  Clear expectations: Trustees o Job description (time, attendance, behavior) o Give/Get o Informed decision-making o Formal orientation o Annual commitment

9 The Leadership Conference Clear Expectations & Accountability  Holding Trustees and the BOT accountable o Self-assessment approach o Continuous improvement o Individual scorecard o Meeting appraisal o BOT self-assessment survey o “Dashboard” report format for goals/results

10 The Leadership Conference Discussion  What do... o BOT Chairs expect/want from their EDs? o EDs expect/want from their BOT Chairs?  How do/should we ensure that Trustees know... o What is expected of them? o How they are doing?  How do we hold ourselves and our members accountable for their performance? Are there consequences?

11 The Leadership Conference Trustee Development Committee  No more “Nominating Committee”  Critical year round function o BOT Profile (current, future) o Establishing, nurturing relationships with prospective members o Slate of nominees (new, continuing; officers and members) o New member orientation o Annual Trustee Commitment

12 The Leadership Conference Trustee Development Committee  Critical year round function (continued) o Retreats o Trustee development o BOT assessment o Rotation/Term limits o Recognition o Retention o Succession planning o Recommendations (Committees, BOR, BOD)

13 The Leadership Conference Discussion  Who should... o Chair the Trustee Development Committee? o Serve on the Committee? (number, type)  What do we need to do to get the Trustee Development Committees up and running?  What should be the Committee’s short-term priorities?

14 The Leadership Conference Engaging Meetings  Meetings can be a key way to engage and involve Trustees  Best practices: Formal orientation with manual  Board meetings o Annotated agenda, consent agenda o Action (not information) o Future (not past) o Results (not process) o Board development

15 The Leadership Conference Engaging Meetings  Board meetings (continued) o “Deep dive” discussions o Celebrations, recognition o Should feel like a retreat  Annual Retreat o 100% attendance o Team-building o Skills building o Goal setting

16 The Leadership Conference Discussion  What’s the best way to conduct new member orientation?  How can we make our BOT meetings the best that they can be?  What should our annual retreats look like?

17 The Leadership Conference Next Steps Anna Maria Gentile VP, Volunteer & Chapter Board Engagement

18 The Leadership Conference 00/00/2013 thank you

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