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MINERAL AREA COLLEGE AQIP DAY. Disclaimer Gyolai is not here representing HLC I am here as a friend of the college.

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Presentation on theme: "MINERAL AREA COLLEGE AQIP DAY. Disclaimer Gyolai is not here representing HLC I am here as a friend of the college."— Presentation transcript:


2 Disclaimer Gyolai is not here representing HLC I am here as a friend of the college

3 AQIP DAY Setting the tone for this morning How I know MAC Experiences with MAC at the AQIP Strategy Forum Perceptions of quality culture at MAC

4 THE CHALLENGES WE FACE Extreme competition Accountability Student success expectations Focus on effectiveness and efficiency Doing more with less resources

5 As the saying goes…. Never waste a good crisis!

6 AQIP Academic Quality Improvement Program Importance Value Culture Focus

7 AQIP CATEGORIES AQIP has nine categories that MAC can use to facilitate a focused investment of time and money to help achieve key goals Each category deals with a group of related processes, and allows MAC to analyze, understand and explore opportunities for improvement

8 AQIP CATEGORIES The nine AQIP categories are the framework for the System Portfolio Are becoming part of MAC’s institutional culture and vernacular

9 AQIP CATEGORIES 1. Helping students learn Focuses on the design and deployment of teaching-learning processes Credit and non-credit courses Systems needed to support teaching-learning Typically easiest and most fun category to work on

10 AQIP CATEGORIES 2. Accomplishing other distinctive objectives How does MAC serve it’s stakeholders in ways separate from typical instructional programs? How does MAC distinguish itself?

11 AQIP CATEGORIES 3. Understanding student/stakeholder needs What processes does MAC use to gather information on stakeholder needs? Is MAC being responsive and adaptive during these times of extreme competition?

12 AQIP CATEGORIES 4. Valuing people How can we demonstrate that MAC values it people?


14 AQIP CATEGORIES 5. Leading and communicating How does the senior leadership use communication processes, structures, and networks to make decisions, set plans, and articulate the vision of MAC?

15 AQIP CATEGORIES 6. Supporting institutional operations How does MAC’s organizational support processes help create an environment were teaching-learning can thrive?

16 AQIP CATEGORIES 7. Measuring effectiveness How does MAC gather, analyze, share, and use data to drive it decision making processes?

17 AQIP CATEGORIES 8. Planning continuous improvement

18 AQIP CATEGORIES 9. Building collaborative relationships How do MAC’s relationships help achieve the mission?

19 These nine categories provide Focus Culture Vision Commitment to continuous quality improvement

20 AQIP CAN HELP MAC CONTINUE TO BE A HIGH PERFORMANCE COLLEGE Principles of high performing institutions Focus Involvement Leadership Learning People Collaboration Agility Foresight Information Integrity

21 AQIP AND THE FUTURE What are the next step for AQIP colleges like MAC? Online learning Individual student success Student services assessment Dual credit or concurrent enrollment Changing student demographics

22 TRANSITION Questions for me

23 AQIP STRATEGY FORUM Creating a climate for continuous learning Forum based on a team approach For colleges experienced with AQIP Have submitted a systems portfolio Have undergone a systems appraisal Have reviewed the systems appraisal feedback report Main point is to come home with an action project ready for deployment


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