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Current Activity And Future Effort.  High Tc Superconductor (HTS) magnet R&D  important for future high energy and/or high intensity accelerator applications.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Activity And Future Effort.  High Tc Superconductor (HTS) magnet R&D  important for future high energy and/or high intensity accelerator applications."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current Activity And Future Effort

2  High Tc Superconductor (HTS) magnet R&D  important for future high energy and/or high intensity accelerator applications  Task Force Team at KEK (HTS-TF)  KEK cryogenics science center (CSC)  IPNS cryogenics group  Objective of HTS-TF  Promote HTS magnet R&D in KEK  Contribution to future high energy and/or high intensity accelerator applications such as HE-LHC

3 Radiation Hard SC Magnet Technology High Field Magnet Technology Field Quality Control Technology Magnet Fabrication Technology

4 a) High field dipole magnet R&D using A15 conductor for HL-LHC b) Radiation Hard SC Magnet R&D for Muon Physics c) JST project "Research and development of fundamental technologies for accelerator magnets using high T c superconductors" d) Study of strain effect on critical current of YBCO

5  Fund  CERN-KEK fund.  Main objective  Nb3Al RHQT R&D  A15 Base Magnet Technology  Possible Spinout  Mechanical property of SC conductor  neutron or X-ray diffraction method  Radiation hard SC magnet technology  Radiation Hard glue R&D: Cyanate Ester etc  FTE and budget  FTE from KEK: ~3  Annual budget: ~9 MJPY

6  Fund  KEK internal  JSPS: Japan-US collaboration fund  JSPS: promotion program for young scientist B (M. Yoshida)  JST (travel budget)  Main Objective  Develop SC magnet system for high intensity muon beam production  Possible Spinout  Radiation hard SC magnet technology  Neutron Irradiation under cryogenic temperature  FTE and budget  FTE from KEK: ~1  Annual budget: ~20 MJPY

7  Fund  Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) under its Strategic Promotion of Innovative Research and Development Program  Main Objective & Possible Spinout  See Prof. Amemiya’s Talk  FTE and Budget for KEK  FTE from KEK ~0.5  Budget for KEK 1 MJPY (for travel)

8  Fund  JSPS promotion program for young scientist B (M.Sugano)  Main Objective and Possible Spinout  Study of strain effect on critical current of YBCO  FTE and Budget  FTE: 0.3  Annual Budget 1 MJPY (ends JFY 2011)

9  Must be done with reasonable budget  Small share from current CERN-KEK fund  Other budget source?  Also within reasonable FTE  Less than 1 FTE overall  Direct Extension of Current Activity  Mechanical Study on HTS  Radiation hardness of HTS magnet  Design Study and Analysis

10  Stress vs Jc measurement as well as internal strain measurement using neutron and/or x-ray beam.  FTE expected: 0.4  Annual budget expected: 1~2 MJPY

11  Extending radiation hardness study to the issues specific to HTS base magnet technology.  FTE expected: 0.4  Annual budget expected: 1~2 MJPY

12  Brief design study, performance analysis of HTS base magnet for HE-LHC.  Collaboration with Kyoto University as an extension of the program c)  No explicit FTE and Budget  Voluntary base

13  HTS base model magnet for Accelerator  Aim  High Field: 20T  Time variant magnetic field & field quality  Collaboration  Kyoto University  FTE and Budget  FTE ~3 (needs KEK wide support)  Fund application: JSPS basic promotion S (for exmple)  Budget 200 MJPY total (for 5 years)  Competition is very keen  Or EU-Japan: need KEK-CERN support

14  KEK CSC can contribute to HE-LHC  Indirectly for now  Small share from KEK-CERN fund  Can start some HTS related R&D at KEK  For long term effort  Need larger budget  We will apply to JSPS  but competition is very keen  Funds like EU-Japan is preferable  In any case we need, strong KEK/CERN supports

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