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© Food – a fact of life 2009 Macronutrients Extension.

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1 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Macronutrients Extension

2 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Learning objectives To understand macronutrients are needed by the body. To know the sources and functions of carbohydrate, protein and fat. To understand the consequences of malnutrition of carbohydrate, protein and fat.

3 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Macronutrients The macronutrients are: Carbohydrate; Protein; Fat.

4 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Function and sources of carbohydrates Carbohydrate provides the main source of energy for the body.

5 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Further classification of carbohydrate There are different ways to classify carbohydrate. One method is into: 1)sugar; 2)carbohydrate.

6 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Classification of carbohydrates Sugars Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrate molecules, e.g. glucose, fructose and galactose. Disaccharides are formed when two sugar molecules join together, e.g. sucrose (glucose and fructose), lactose (glucose and galactose) and maltose (2 molecules of glucose) Starches Polysaccharides are made up of many monosacharides molecules joined together, e.g. starch, glycogen, cellulose and pectin.

7 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Another classification systems for sugars Intrinsic can be described as sugars incorporated into the cellular structure of foods. e.g. sugars in whole fruits and vegetables. Extrinsic sugars can be described as not bound into cellular structure. e.g. lactose in dairy products. Non-milk extrinsic sugars (NMES) are obviously sugars not bound into cellular structure and also not found in milk e.g. honey, fruit juices, table sugar and confectionery are all examples of foods containing NMES.

8 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Excessive consumption of carbohydrates Decrease cholesterol levels A positive effect is where some forms of complex carbohydrates may reduce cholesterol which is beneficial for health. Increased body weight When too much carbohydrate is consumed and not used for energy over an extended period of time, it is stored as fat. Building up too much fat will increase body weight. Increase dental caries It is important that teeth are brushed twice a day and sugary foods should be eaten with main meals, rather than in between snacks to prevent dental caries.

9 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Lack of carbohydrates The short term effects of a lack of carbohydrates are weight loss and lethargy. Kwashiorkor and Marasmus are two forms of deficiency disease which can develop in extreme conditions. These occur where energy and protein are lacking in the diet over an extended period of time.

10 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Protein Protein is needed for growth and repair of the body. Excess protein can be broken down and used as a source of energy. Protein is made up of different combinations of amino acids. These are the building blocks of protein. Amino acids are compounds containing carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and, in some cases, sulphur.

11 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Indispensable or dispensable? The human body is able to make most amino acids itself and these are known as non-essential or dispensable amino acids. There are some amino acids that cannot be made by the body. They are called indispensible amino acids (IAA) or sometimes essential amino acids. It is essential that these are provided in the diet as the body cannot make them.

12 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Body needs Adults only need 8 indispensible amino acids for growth and repair. Children need to obtain 10 indispensible amino acids.

13 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Biological value and complementation It is not just the amount of protein, but the quality or biological value of the protein that needs to be considered. If a protein contains all the indispensible amino acids it is said to have a high biological value. If a protein does not contain all the indispensible amino acids it is said to have a low biological value. The amino acid that is in the shortest supply in relation to need is termed the limiting amino acid.

14 © Food – a fact of life 2009 High and low biological value High biological value (HBV) proteins include: Meat, fish, eggs, cheese, and milk. Low biological value (LBV) proteins include: Cereals, pulses, some nuts and vegetables. In general, animal protein sources have a higher biological value, than vegetable sources. Vegetarians and vegans need to eat wisely to ensure they are getting all the indispensible amino acids.

15 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Protein complementation Complementation of low biological value (LBV) protein sources ensures that all essential amino acids are consumed. Amino acids of one protein source can compensate for the limitations of the other, resulting in a combination to create a high biological value meal.

16 © Food – a fact of life 2009 An example of protein complementation Two foods providing vegetable protein are eaten at a meal e.g. a cereal (bread) and a pulse (baked beans). The amino acids of one protein compensates for the limitations of the other. This results in a combination of higher biological value.

17 © Food – a fact of life 2009 The body’s needs for protein Babies and children have a high need for protein because they are growing. Adolescents need protein for their rapid growth spurt. Pregnant women need more protein than normal adults because of the growing baby. Nursing mothers also need more protein for lactation.

18 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Protein deficiency Protein deficiency is rare, but there is a condition called PEM – protein energy malnutrition. This can be seen in infants with stunted growth or thin arms and legs, and large distended abdomens. Marasmus - this condition mainly affects infants causing them to become thin and weak. The body adapts to the shortage of energy and nutrients. All energy stores are depleted as it is used to supply vital organs. Kwashiorkor - this condition is known to be the body’s adaption to shortage of energy and nutrients.

19 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Fat Fat performs many functions in the body. A concentrated source of energy. Surrounds and protects body organs. Forms an insulating layer keeping us warm. Provides fat soluble vitamins. Fat is made up of fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol Fatty Acid 1 Fatty Acid 2 Fatty Acid 3

20 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Essential fatty acids The body can make most fatty acids. Essential fatty acids (EFA) are required for important functions in the body. These must be provided by the diet because our bodies cannot make them. Foods which provide fat contain a mixture of fatty acids but usually one type of a fatty acid.

21 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Sources of saturated and unsaturated fats Saturated fat Meat, coconut oil, palm oil, cakes and biscuits, lard. Unsaturated fat Mono unsaturated fat Rapeseed oil, and olive oil. Polyunsaturated fat Oily fish, sunflower oil and avocado.

22 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Over consumption of fat Eating too much saturated fat has become a problem in our society. There are many health problems linked with too much saturated fat in the diet, e.g. coronary heart disease, and strokes.

23 © Food – a fact of life 2009 Review of the learning objectives To understand macronutrients are needed by the body. To know the sources and functions of carbohydrate, protein and fat. To understand the consequences of malnutrition of carbohydrate, protein and fat.

24 © Food – a fact of life 2009 For more information visit

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