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Utility Locating and Mapping Communication Systems to Enhance Public Safety.

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Presentation on theme: "Utility Locating and Mapping Communication Systems to Enhance Public Safety."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utility Locating and Mapping Communication Systems to Enhance Public Safety

2 Consequential Costs Death/Injuries Property Damages Emergency Services Repair Cost Lost Time Lost Material Lost Sales Lost Production Machinery Damages Secondary Emergency Spoilage Legal Cost Repair Cost / Fine


4 Digital EM Transmitter and Receiver Wide Range of Active Frequencies (163Hz- 428KHz) Passive Frequencies (Power and Radio) Wide Range of Transmitter Power Output Voltages (30V-90V) Higher output Voltages overcomes Impedance Transmitter Output Wattage Range from 1W (low power) to 10W (highest) Connection Options Direct Coupling Close Induction Induction


6 Coil Antenna Tune and Energy Storage Environmentally Sealed/Hardened Tuned Resonant RF Antenna A Complete Solution of Form Factors and Depth Ranges Precision accuracy Tolerant to congestion Outlasts life of the facility RFID identifies facility attributes Ease of use, simple Cost effective How it Works Leading Applications


8 Integrated external high accuracy GPS receivers with tablet computers Sub-foot quality data in real time No need for post processing or a base station Field data directly inserted into the GIS (with controls) Integrated receivers, so far... Navcom Geneq Trimble

9 GIS-based software that operates on smart phones and tablet computers Creates GIS features in the field Update GIS feature attributes in the field Attach inspection records to GIS features Barcode readers for asset management Real-time data transfer from field to office Cloud computing options

10 RFID devices installed with utility infrastructure for locating directional drill shots, sewer laterals, tees, dead ends, directional changes, and at regular intervals open trench installations

11 Detection of all commonly-used RF utility markers 9 frequencies - near surface, marker balls, mid and long range Rapid marker response for quick searching Precise marker depth Automatic marker depth Scan for RF markers, EM or both simultaneously GPS and data logging (Manual of 1 sec auto) Bluetooth USB Easy interface to mapping databases

12 Measures and stores key usage parameters every second – e.g. Over 1 year capacity (2 GB) Tamper-proof memory / software Data supports: Usage analysis / work validation Map creation / update Training records / need identification Time and dateSignal strength / currentDepth ModeFault DetectionBattery status FrequencyBar-graph readoutAudio status Marker typeDynamic Overload Protection / overload CD / FF stateAccessory in useGPS data

13 Survey measurement data that has GPS data incorporated can be uploaded from locator and exported directly into Google Earth etc – uses Keyhole Mark-up Language (KML).



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17 Collect GPS Data Create Feature Bring Hardware Back to the Office Download Data Post Process Data Integrate Data into GIS Collect Data in the Field Integrate Data into GIS >Existing >New

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