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MURRUMBIDGEE CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Presentation to UNESCO HELP Meeting 4 March 2005 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management.

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Presentation on theme: "MURRUMBIDGEE CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Presentation to UNESCO HELP Meeting 4 March 2005 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management."— Presentation transcript:

1 MURRUMBIDGEE CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Presentation to UNESCO HELP Meeting 4 March 2005 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority

2 MURRUMBIDGEE CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY MEMBERSHIP Mr Lee O’BrienChair MCMA Mr Michael SchultzFormer MCMB member, Native Vegetation Advisory Council Mr Dick ThompsonFormer MCMB member, Chair Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ms Claudia NyeFormer MCMB and Murrumbidgee Unregulated Stream Committee Member and Yarralumla Shire Councillor Ms Flo GrantFormer Member of Murrumbidgee Unregulated Stream Committee, Wiradjuri Elder

3 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT EVOLUTION

4 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority

5 CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITIES NSW GOVERNMENT Minister for Natural Resources Minister for Infrastructure and Planning Catchment Management Authority relationship with NSW Government and the Community Natural Resources Advisory Council Natural Resources Commission CMA FUNCTION DESCRIPTIONS Program Development - using catchment action plans to develop priority programs, liaison with stakeholders Contract Management - implementation of priority programs, managing contracts/tenders, evaluation and monitoring Community Programs - rolling out incentives and investments, & brokering co-investment with the community Administration - executive support, financial management, statutory reporting, SLA management Community Education - education, public relations, media Property Vegetation Inventive Programs - property vegetation and property management plans, management contracts Service Level Agreements, MOUs, Statements of Joint Intent, Contracts…. DIPNR and other Agencies Chairperson and Board Members General Manager Community/ Landcare Environmental Local Government ON-GROUND ACTION Government Agencies Indigenous Community Industry R&D Corporations and Universities DEVELOPING PARTNERSHIPS

6 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority Murrumbidgee CMA Investment budget 2004/2007 - $ 60.7 M for on-ground works Audited by Natural Resources Commission (NRC) CMA will broker co-investment in natural resource management in the catchment CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITIES

7 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority KEY CMA FUNCTIONS 1. PLANNING Development of a Catchment Action Plan which will incorporate existing NRM plans. Manage community involvement in preparation of water sharing and groundwater plans Annual Implementation Plan

8 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority KEY CMA FUNCTIONS 2. INVESTMENT – Implementation of Catchment Action Plan. – Development of investment strategies. – Management of NAP and NHT2 investment. – Seek co-investment from all sectors. – Native Vegetation Management Fund. – Soil Conservation Section 10 programs. – Delivery of incentives through PVP’s and other mechanisms.

9 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority KEY CMA FUNCTIONS 3. PVPS/CONSENT –Certify PVP’s for establishing continuing use and delivery of incentive programs. –Assessment of all vegetation consents under the Native Vegetation Conservation Act including PVP’s for land clearing (Stage2).

10 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority 4. ON GROUND WORKS River rehabilitation and water quality programs Soil conservation ( Section 10) and soil health programs Salinity and Biodiversity programs Land and Water Management Plans Monitoring, evaluating and reporting outcomes KEY CMA FUNCTIONS

11 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority KEY CMA FUNCTIONS 5. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT, EDUCATION & SUPPORT – Ensure that the community is engaged in the development of the Catchment Action Plan and Investment Strategies – Provision of advice and support to Landcare and the community – Consultation with and engagement of the traditional Indigenous community in natural resource management – Provision of community education on NRM – Technical advice on vegetation – Stakeholder liaison and maintaining advocacy in the community – Broker community participation in the National Water Initiative, Water for Rivers and Living Murray processes.

12 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority CMAS WILL NOT HAVE RESPONSIBILITY FOR Water Sharing Plans Approvals Regional Strategies, Regional and Local Environmental Plans, Rural Floodplain Management Plans. CMA’s will not have a role in Consents under: Water Management Act 2000, Rivers and Foreshores Act, Environmental Planning Act, Western Lands Act, Crown Lands Act, Plantations and Reafforestation Act, Western Lands Act. Major cross catchment or cross State works such as MDBC projects.


14 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority THE CHALLENGE Avoid the confetti approach to NRM projects. Integration and co-ordination of NRM programs. Maximise the ability to achieve synergies between target areas.

15 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority CMA WATER RESPONSIBILITES Setting strategic direction for water management through the Catchment Action Plan. Coordinate the development of an environmental water plan for each respective catchment (consistent with asset watering plans). Review environmental aspects of Water Management Plans. Coordinate community consultation for Water Management Planning and stakeholder involvement generally.

16 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority CMA WATER RESPONSIBILITES Establish environmental water trust funds for the purpose of managing water for the environment. Manage adaptive environmental water entitlement. Develop with stakeholders, water recovery and innovation projects under the Living Murray, Water for Rivers & National Water Initiatives. Develop projects on innovative ways to recover and use environment water Develop and manage a Regional Environmental Water Trust.

17 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority Environmental Water Trust Responsibilities of the Water Trust: –Direct the use for environmental purposes of water held by the Trust. –Annual trade of water held by the Trust where appropriate. –Purchasing and holding water access rights for use on behalf of the Trust. –Managing the financial resources raised in respect of the Trust’s functions. –The Trust would NOT be responsible for managing water allocations, river operations or establishing environmental flow needs.

18 MURRUMBIDGEE CATCHMENT MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Presentation to UNESCO HELP Meeting 4 March 2005 Questions? Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority

19 Kyeamba Location Map

20 Lee O’Brien - Chairperson Murrumbidgee Catchment Management Authority


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