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Contract Multi-Unit Residential Recycling 2014-2015 SWMCB.

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Presentation on theme: "Contract Multi-Unit Residential Recycling 2014-2015 SWMCB."— Presentation transcript:

1 Contract Multi-Unit Residential Recycling 2014-2015 SWMCB

2 Overview 26 Meetings & Interviews 22 Site Visit Evaluations 9 Property Managers, 22 Properties Completed Case Studies on

3 Objectives.

4 Objective 1: Identify and document strategies for overcoming barriers to effective recycling at an HRA/CDA property.

5 Objective 2: Identify and document strategies for overcoming barriers to effective recycling at an assisted living property with a dining operation.

6 Objective 3: Develop, test and document incentive-based strategies for engaging multi-cultural communities in a large, multi-unit property.

7 Objective 4: In partnership with a large property management company, develop and test performance-based waste diversion measures for building haulers and facility maintenance.

8 Objective 5: In partnership with a multi-unit housing developer, evaluate effective waste diversion infrastructure design for newly constructed and renovated properties.

9 Objective 6: Survey and compile information on multi-unit waste diversion programs from SWMCB counties.

10 Recommendations.

11 Continue to Build Dialogue & Resource Sharing 1:

12 Adapt/Create Technical Resources Tailored to multiple stakeholders 2:

13 Engage Haulers on multi-unit residential recycling 3:

14 Shape future contracts to provide Tailored Technical Assistance 4:

15 questions ANSWERS

16 THANK YOU Mike Weitekamp, LEED AP BD+C Waste Wise Program Manager P: 651.292.4677 E:

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