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Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e1. “We’re raising our children the way we raise calves for veal - keep them in boxes, feed them too much, and allow them.

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Presentation on theme: "Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e1. “We’re raising our children the way we raise calves for veal - keep them in boxes, feed them too much, and allow them."— Presentation transcript:

1 Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e1

2 “We’re raising our children the way we raise calves for veal - keep them in boxes, feed them too much, and allow them no exercise. Rich Killingsworth Center for Disease Control and Prevention

3  The ultimate approach to weight- loss combines mild caloric restriction with regular exercise.  A weight loss of 1 pound per week requires a caloric deficit of 3500 or 500 calories per day. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e3

4  Reduce caloric intake by 500 calories per day.  Reduce Caloric intake by 250 and increase daily expenditure of energy by 250 calories.  Increase caloric expenditure via physical activity by 500 calories per day. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e4

5  Heredity / Genetics  Lifestyles ◦ Consumption of excess calories ◦ Lack of regular physical activity  Environment ◦ Easy access to high calorie food makes it harder to eat properly ◦ Modern “conveniences” make activity less likely Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e5

6  Twin Studies  Pairs of twins were overfed to the same extent. Each set of twins tended to gain the same amount of weight.  Twins raised separately gained weight in the same manner.  Set Point  Helps regulate weight and fatness at a constant rate  Signals related to food intake affect hunger and satiety Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e6

7  Ghrelin – produced by the stomach and it is believed to stimulate hunger. Blood levels of Ghrelin rise an hour before a meal and drops very low after a meal.  Leptin – Leptin is a hormone that plays a crucial role in appetite and weight control. It is thought to have at least two major functions. First, it crosses the blood-brain barrier and binds to receptors in the appetite center in the brain, regulating brain cells that tell you how much to eat. Second, it increases sympathetic nervous system activity, which stimulates fatty tissue to burn energy. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e7

8  Throughout human history, starvation has threatened survival. The human body has evolved ways to conserve body fat stores and prevent weight loss.  Individuals who were more efficient at using energy and storing fat, “a thrifty metabolism” would have been more likely to survive. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e8

9  50% regain all weight within 2 years  5-10% keep weight off permanently Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e9 Why do diets fail?


11  Very low calorie diets – Medical Supervision  Mediterranean Diet  Low Carbohydrate diets  Feasting/Fasting 5:2 Diet Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e11

12  Eat For Your Blood Type  The Da Vinci Diet  The Incredible Ice Cream Diet  HCG Diet Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e12

13  Induction phase: Eat liberally from fats and protein. Limit carbs to 20 grams per day.  Eat absolutely NO fruit, bread, pasta, grains, starchy vegetables. No dairy except for cream cheese, cream or butter. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e13

14  Phase 2: Add back nutrient rich carbs increasing your daily total by 5 grams of carbs.  Phase 3: Pre-maintenance: Add 10 net carbs per day until weight is maintained.  Phase 4: Most people maintain weight-loss @ about 45 -100 grams of carbs per day. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e14

15  Phase 1: Two weeks of restraint to decrease your unhealthy cravings for sweets, baked goods and starches.  Phase 2: Reintroduce low glycemic carbs. Stay on phase 2 until you reach your goal weight.  Phase 3: Continue to eat low glycemic foods to maintain your weight. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e15

16  The Glycemic Index--or GI, for short--is a system that ranks foods by how they affect your levels of blood sugar. Low-glycemic index foods (less than 55) produce a gradual rise in a blood sugar that's easy on the body. Foods between 55 and 70 are intermediate-glycemic index foods. Glycemic Index  Foods with high-glycemic index numbers (more than 70) make blood sugar as well as insulin levels spike fast. We now realize that's a health threat. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e16

17  Human Chorionic Hormone  This diet combines injection with a severely  restricted diet 500 calories per day.  The idea is that if hormone can convert fat to calories during pregnancy for use for the baby and in the process speed the mother’s metabolism, it can do the same for people who want to lose weight. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e17

18  Founded on the principles of our ancestors diet “if a caveman didn’t eat it, you shouldn’t either”  Mostly meat, seafood and unlimited consumption of fruits and vegetables.  Eliminate, grains, dairy, legumes and sugars Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e18

19  Da Vinci Diet: Weight Loss Meets Da Vinci Code  Time Warner books have announced the release of a new diet book - "The Diet Code: Revolutionary Weight-Loss Secrets From Da Vinci and The Golden Ratio."announced the release  Mona Lisa on a Diet?  Yes - you read that correctly - a diet book based on Leonardo Da Vinci. Stephen Lanzalotta created what he called the "Da Vinci Diet" in response to the decline in bread consumption brought on by the popularity of the Atkins Diet. The diet consists mostly of Mediterranean foods, including bread, fish, cheese, vegetables, meat, nuts and wine. The author Stephen Lanzalotta is a baker and was apparently forwarded a "six-figure advance" for the book.  The diet is based on the Golden Ratio or Phi, a mathematical value that was used to build the pyramids and has since been found to exist most everywhere in nature. Da Vinci is said to have used the Golden Ratio to proportion the human figures in his paintings which is how it found its way into Dan Brown's hugely popular novel Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e19

20  Tenuate - decreases appetite  Belviq _ Decreases appetitie  Adipex (phentermine) decreases appetite  Contrave  Orlistat (Alli) - decreases absorbtion of fat  Xenical  Phnetermine and extended release topiramate – decreases appetitie Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e20

21  Low “glycemic load” diets may be a more sensible alternative to low-carbohydrate diets.  Artificial sweeteners and fat substitutes may help but cannot be considered a “sure cure” for body fat problems.  Avoid anything with ephedra.  Restrict “empty” calories.  Learn the difference between craving and hunger. Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e21

22  Benefits of Exercise for Weight Control ◦ Burns calories ◦ Maintains LBM ◦ Increases metabolism ◦ Promotes greater fat loss ◦ Suppresses appetite  What type of exercise is best? ◦ Aerobic exercise ◦ Strength or muscle endurance exercise Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e22 Info on exercise and weight

23 1 pound of fat = 3500 calories Maximum weight loss should be no more than 1-2 pounds per week: 500 calories/day x 7 days/week = 3500 calories/week (1 pound) 1000 calories/day x 7 days/week = 7000 calories/week (2 pounds) Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e23

24  Set realistic behavioral goals  Moderation in behavior  Consistency in behavior  Social support Concepts of Physical Fitness 14e24

25 Do You Know How Food Portions Have Changed in 20 Years? National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Obesity Education Initiative

26 20 Years Ago Today 140 calories 3-inch diameter How many calories are in this bagel?

27 140 calories 3-inch diameter Calorie Difference: 210 calories 350 calories 6-inch diameter 20 Years Ago Today

28 How long will you have to rake leaves in order to burn the extra 210 calories?* *Based on 130-pound person Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out

29 If you rake the leaves for 50 minutes you will burn the extra 210 calories.* *Based on 130-pound person Calories In = Calories Out

30 CHEESEBURGER 20 Years Ago Today 333 calories How many calories are in today’s cheeseburger?

31 Calorie Difference: 257 calories 590 calories CHEESEBURGER 20 Years Ago Today 333 calories

32 Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out How long will you have to lift weights in order to burn the extra 257 calories?* *Based on 130-pound person

33 If you lift weights for 1 hour and 30 minutes, you will burn approximately 257 calories.* *Based on 130-pound person Calories In = Calories Out

34 SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS 20 Years AgoToday 500 calories 1 cup spaghetti with sauce and 3 small meatballs How many calories do you think are in today's portion of spaghetti and meatballs?

35 Calorie Difference: 525 calories 1,025 calories 2 cups of pasta with sauce and 3 large meatballs 20 Years AgoToday 500 calories 1 cup spaghetti with sauce and 3 small meatballs SPAGHETTI AND MEATBALLS

36 How long will you have to houseclean in order to burn the extra 525 calories?* *Based on 130-pound person Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out

37 *Based on 130-pound person If you houseclean for 2 hours and 35 minutes, you will burn approximately 525 calories.* Calories In = Calories Out

38 20 Years AgoToday 210 Calories 2.4 ounces How many calories are in today’s portion of fries?

39 610 Calories 6.9 ounces Calorie Difference: 400 Calories FRENCH FRIES 20 Years AgoToday 210 Calories 2.4 ounces

40 How long will you have to walk leisurely in order to burn those extra 400 calories?* *Based on 160-pound person Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out

41 *Based on 160-pound person If you walk leisurely for 1 hour and 10 minutes you will burn approximately 400 calories.* Calories In = Calories Out

42 85 Calories 6.5 ounces How many calories are in today’s portion? SODA 20 Years AgoToday

43 Calorie Difference: 165 Calories 250 Calories 20 ounces 85 Calories 6.5 ounces SODA 20 Years AgoToday

44 How long will you have to work in the garden to burn those extra calories?* *Based on 160-pound person Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out

45 If you work in the garden for 35 minutes, you will burn approximately 165 calories.* *Based on 160-pound person Calories In = Calories Out

46 320 caloriesHow many calories are in today’s turkey sandwich? TURKEY SANDWICH 20 Years AgoToday

47 Calorie Difference: 500 calories 820 calories320 calories TURKEY SANDWICH 20 Years AgoToday

48 How long will you have to ride a bike in order to burn those extra calories?* *Based on 160-pound person Maintaining a Healthy Weight is a Balancing Act Calories In = Calories Out

49 *Based on 160-pound person If you ride a bike for 1 hour and 25 minutes, you will burn approximately 500 calories.* Calories In = Calories Out

50 Return to Presentation

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