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What are different responses people have had to the Gospel?

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2 What are different responses people have had to the Gospel?

3 Review Knew afflictions awaited him in Jerusalem Was obedient to the leaders Attacked in the temple by Asian Jews Almost flogged Trial with the Sanhedrin Trial with Felix Trial with Festus

4 Festus and Agrippa

5 Agrippa’s Kingdom

6 Festus’ Summary Felix left a prisoner While in Jerusalem the Chief Priests, and elders laid a case and asked for sentence of condemnation Festus said, he needs to be tried first Festus calls Paul into the tribunal –Accusers brought no charge of great evils –Dispute about their own religion –Dispute about a certain Jesus who was dead but Paul asserted to be alive Thus I asked if he would be willing to tried in Jerusalem But then Paul appealed to Caesar

7 Paul and Agrippa 25:23-27

8 Paul’s Defense 26:1-23 Past (v1-11) Conversion (v12-18) Summary (v19-23)

9 Responses 26:24-32 Immediate –Festus –Agrippa Conference

10 Essential Defense Paul was always ready….we should be too Loyal Jew, Loyal Roman, Loyal Christian

11 For Next Week The Essential Voyage Read Acts Chapter 27:1 – 44

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