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Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention

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1 Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention
Lori Genito NYSED The After School Experience 12/2/09

2 What is Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention (ESD/SVP)?
Article 55 of the SAVE Legislation; 2814 Omnibus School Violence Prevention Program First RFP Applicant eligibility based on Extraordinary Needs Aid Index (ENA) $ 5.2 Million has grown to $27.8 million 39 local educational agencies has grown to 86 local educational agencies and 58 community based organizations 2 Technical Assistance Centers (ROS and NYC) Continuation grant for awarded programs One will find the Omnibus School Violence Prevention Program in Article 55 of the SAVE legislation. However, the first RFP was sent out in In , SED only had 5.2 million to award. So, SED was only able to fund 39 programs and they were all school districts. Today we are funding 88 local school districts and 58 CBOs across NYS. SED is also lucky to have technical assistance centers to provide staff development opportunities to our program coordinators and staff. Beginning in 1996, these funds have been a continuation grant, which means year to year the same programs receive the same award. Within the past 2 years the funding amount has been decreased by 6.5%.

3 Focus of Programs Programs may include ESD activities, SVP activities or a combination Extended School Day support school districts with high needs to bring all students to the higher learning standard School Violence Prevention ensure students and school staff have a safe and secure school environment The primary focus of the afterschool programming is to provide a balance of academic enrichment and youth development and to support the efforts of the high needs school districts to bring all students to a higher learning standard. The focus of SVP is to ensure all school staff and students have a safe and secure learning environment

4 Extended School Day Activities
Conducted outside the regular school day Collaboration between public school district with a not-for-profit and/or community based organization Extra-curricular enrichment activities including: Academic Athletics Art/music/drama Mentoring Community service/leadership development Other activities that will increase student achievement and promote school violence prevention Outside the regular school day, and has to work in collaboration between a school district and a not for profit OR a CBO, Some of the activities include but are not limited to ….

5 School Violence Prevention Activities
Safe corridor programs Diversity programs Collaborative school safety programs w/law enforcement agencies or CBOs Metal detectors Communication devices Devices to increase school security and safety of school personnel and students The activities for SVP include but are not limited to…..

6 Current Programs $27.8 Million in state funds 146 Programs
Rest of State (ROS) 53 Public Schools 30 CBOs 1 Technical Assistance Center New York City (NYC) 33 Community School Districts 28 CBOs Currently our ESD/SVP receive $27.8 million dollars in STATE funds We have 146 programs statewide included in that number are our 2 TAC, 86 schools and 58 CBO . For ROS which I am going to focus on, the lead fiscal agents consist of 53 Public school districts, 30 CBOs and 1 TAC

7 Rest of State Serving over 100,000 students
Program Activities for 53% provide both ESD and SVP 39% provide ESD Only 7% provide SVP Only Every year the programs are required to submit an annual program report, from this documentation along with the abstract that is incorporated into the annual update, SED has analyzed the data to find that 53% of programs offer a combination of ESD and SVP, 39% offer ESD only and 7% provide SVP only. ALSO

8 Top 10 Program Activities
80% Recreation 67% AIS/Tutoring 67%Leadership Development/Community Service 62% Conflict Resolution 62% Healthy Choices 57% Enrichment 54% Social Skills 49% Social/Emotional 47% Setting Goals 46% Violence Prevention Programs These are the top 10 activities that the programs provide to the student participants……..

9 Site Visits The New York State Education Department (NYSED) in partnership with the New York State Center of School Safety (NYSCSS) have been conducting site visits to the ESD/SVP programs. Since Spring of % of programs visited Spring 2010 six additional programs will be visited Visits will continue until all programs are seen In 2007, the student support services department hired 2 new staff members who were both assigned to ESD/SVP. Because of this, SED has been able to devote more time and efforts to the programs, the coordinators and the student’s needs. When you have a narrative of a program in front of you, it may look wonderful or it may not look so great. In order to really understand what the program is providing for our youth, you need to see it in action. And that is what we have been doing. Since the hiring of the 2 staff, we have been able to work with our TAC at the NYS Center of School safety to conduct site visits. We come in, talk to the staff, the staff, administrators and if we are lucky some parents about what is happening. I will tell you we have been to 25 sites and we have not been disappointed once. We are seeing some great things and it has given us some insight about what is happening out there and we are able to talk to the staff to find out what help they need to make their programs better.

10 ESD/SVP Contacts NYSED: Lori Genito Audrey Almela
NYSCSS Julliet Coxum Sheryl Post

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