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P ITTSBURGH S UPERCOMPUTING C ENTER R ESOURCES & S ERVICES Marvel 0.3 TF HP GS 1280 SMP OS: Tru64 Unix 2 nodes (128 processors) Nodes: 64 x 1.15 GHz EV67.

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Presentation on theme: "P ITTSBURGH S UPERCOMPUTING C ENTER R ESOURCES & S ERVICES Marvel 0.3 TF HP GS 1280 SMP OS: Tru64 Unix 2 nodes (128 processors) Nodes: 64 x 1.15 GHz EV67."— Presentation transcript:

1 P ITTSBURGH S UPERCOMPUTING C ENTER R ESOURCES & S ERVICES Marvel 0.3 TF HP GS 1280 SMP OS: Tru64 Unix 2 nodes (128 processors) Nodes: 64 x 1.15 GHz EV67 processors, 256GB memory Archive Storage 150 TB online; 2.4 PB archive Visualization, Dissemination GIG Participation Security User Support Coordination Software Integration EOT Infrastructure TCS (LeMieux) 6 TF HP AlphaES45 Cluster OS: Tru64 Unix 750 nodes (3000 processors) Nodes: 4 x 1 GHz processors, 4 GB memory Senior GIG Staffing: Ralph Roskies * Michael Levine * Sergiu Sanielevici T ERAGRID F OCUS A REAS (ESC) (RP-PI) (Area Director, User Support Coordination) Red Storm Program 10 TF Cray XT3 OS: Linux/Catamount >2000 2.4 GHz AMD processors 1 GB memory per processor

2 S CIENCE T ERAGYROID S CIENCE - T ERAGYROID Project couples cutting-edge grid technologies, high-performance computing, visualization and computational steering capabilities to produce a major advance in soft condensed matter simulation Interesting effects only for particular parameter values. Use TeraGrid and UK Reality Grid to generate many small computations, then migrate interesting ones to large systems, like PSC’s TCS. PSC contributions: Led effort to organize and execute the TeraGyroid project Enabled largest Boltzmann lattice calculation ever (10243)

3 T ECHNOLOGY Cray XT3 Leadership class computing Novel technology for extraordinary scalability Distinguishing feature- huge inter- processor bandwidth Lustre file system Candidate for TeraGrid global file system End-to-end Application Performance Use PSC-developed network/host tuning capabilities (Web100, Net100)

4 S YNERGYSTIC A CTIVITIES MCELL- Co-author Joel Stiles, PSC Large-scale cellular simulations Needs ability to launch, manage, and integrate results from 1000’s of independent runs C ELL S IMULATIONS (NIH-funded)

5 T ECHNOLOGY TCS “LeMieux” at PSC: Reliably Providing Thousands of Processors Per Job S CALING

6 S CIENCE Wind speed up to 260 mph 25 meter horizontal resolution 20 meter vertical resolution 2048 TCS processors for 24 hours Generated 20 TB data 3/4 TORNADO WARNINGS ARE FALSE ALARMS Most Realistic Tornado Simulation Ever Done Will Reduce Tornado False Alarms K. Droegemeier and M. Xue

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