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Things to Consider when Entering into a Joe Giffels Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Director, Research Integrity Office Conflict of Interest.

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Presentation on theme: "Things to Consider when Entering into a Joe Giffels Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Director, Research Integrity Office Conflict of Interest."— Presentation transcript:

1 Things to Consider when Entering into a Joe Giffels Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Director, Research Integrity Office Conflict of Interest Officer

2  Data management  Mentor/trainee responsibilities  Publication practices and responsible authorship  Peer review  Collaborative science  Research misconduct  Conflict of interest and commitment  Human subjects  Research involving animals

3  Collaborative research is the participation of more than one person in the significant aspects of a research study. It can range from the interaction of a mentor/advisor and a graduate student to large consortia involving research teams at multiple sites.

4  Style differences among collaborators  Style differences among scientific disciplines  Differences between academic and industrial research with respect to publishing results and sharing data  Differences in ethical standards and norms among different institutions and nations Adapted from Collaborative Science Columbia University

5  Endpoint, goals, outcomes and products of collaboration?  Expected contributions of collaborators?  Mechanism for routine scientific communication among collaborators?  Processes for managing data (collection, validation, storage, analysis, sharing, publishing)?

6  Criteria and process for assigning authorship and credit (abstracts, presentations, articles)?  Authority, responsibility and process for personnel decisions? Budgetary decisions? Other administrative decisions?  How media inquiries will be handled?  Ownership and process for handling resulting IP?

7  Responsibilities for progress and final scientific reporting?  Process for deciding on redirection of research agenda as discoveries are made?  Process for negotiating resulting new collaborations and spin-off projects?  Process for transition should one or more collaborators leave the collaboration or change institutions?


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