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Stakeholders Meeting November 15, 2011.  Review the development and identification of State’s preferred alternative  Provide updates on SCH Project.

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Presentation on theme: "Stakeholders Meeting November 15, 2011.  Review the development and identification of State’s preferred alternative  Provide updates on SCH Project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stakeholders Meeting November 15, 2011

2  Review the development and identification of State’s preferred alternative  Provide updates on SCH Project ◦ Draft EIS/EIR comments ◦ Project design ◦ Permitting ◦ Schedule ◦ Funding  Provide Stakeholders an opportunity to comment on updates

3  Review of authority for SCH project  SCH does not address all restoration objectives evaluated in PEIR  SCH is not an overall restoration plan for the Salton Sea  SCH ponds are pilot projects

4  Why blend Sea and river water? ◦ Vegetation control ◦ Mosquito control ◦ Reduced availability of selenium in food web  Why focus on fish-eating birds? ◦ Fish and fish-eating birds affected first ◦ No near-term shortage of shorebird habitat  Consistent with PEIR proposal of Early Start habitat

5  Pumped diversion minimizes impacts on agricultural lands ◦ Sedimentation basin not on farmland ◦ Long pipeline bisecting tile drain systems in farm fields not needed  New River area preferred because ◦ Less geologically active ◦ Impacts on geothermal resources minimized ◦ Lower selenium levels than Alamo River water  Of the New River pumped diversion alternatives, Alternative 3 provides the most potential habitat

6 Key Comment Topics Approach to Responses  Salton Sea restoration  QSA  Funding/project costs  Project design  Water rights/supplies  Operations/maintenance  Compatibility with geothermal/agriculture  Selenium  Preferred alternative  Identify text citations in Draft EIS/EIR  Prepare responses to general comments  Prepare focused responses to specific questions based on ◦ NEPA/CEQA requirements ◦ Technical considerations ◦ Engineering considerations  Comments/responses vetted by SCH agencies

7  Water delivery to the potential project sites ◦ Seawater pump station ◦ River water gravity delivery ◦ River water pumped delivery ◦ Sedimentation basin for river water  Facility and habitat features ◦ General maintenance facility and access needs ◦ Islands, channels, depth profile considerations  Constructability evaluation ◦ Geotechnical analysis feeding into berm design ◦ Ability of construction equipment to operate in site environment

8  Required permits/approvals ◦ Section 401 Water Quality Certification ◦ Section 404 Individual Permit ◦ Section 106 Consultation ◦ Section 7 Consultation ◦ Streambed Alteration Agreement ◦ Section 2081 Incidental Take Permit ◦ Imperial County Air Pollution Control District Permit  Status  Role in overall environmental clearance  Next steps

9  Draft permit applications – Fall 2011  Final EIS/EIR – Spring 2012  Permits complete – Summer 2012  Final design – Fall 2012  Begin construction – Spring 2013  Complete construction – Summer 2014

10  Anticipated funds available for SCH Project ◦ Proposition 84 ◦ Water agency contributions

11  Assembly Budget Subcommittee hearing— November 28  Upcoming Financial Assistance Program meeting in December—specific date to be announced


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