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Race to the Governor Quiz #2.

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1 Race to the Governor Quiz #2

2 What was Werowocomoco?

3 Werowocomoco was a large Indian town used by Indian leaders for several hundred years before the English settlers came. It was the headquarters for the leader, Powhatan, in 1607.

4 Jamestown was the first ______ English settlement.

5 permanent

6 Archaeologists have discovered items that let them know how settlers interacted with _______ and _______.

7 Africans and Indians

8 What are the names of the current state recognized tribes?

9 Chickahominy Tribe Eastern Chickahominy Tribe Mattaponi Tribe Nansemond Tribe Pamunkey Tribe Rappahannock Tribe Upper Mattapomi Tribe Monacan Tribe

10 Where are the current state recognized tribes located in Virginia today?

11 Coastal Plain (Tidewater) Region- Chickahominy Eastern Chickahominy Mattaponi Nansemond Pamunkey Rappahonnock Upper Mattaponi Piedmont Region- Monacan

12 England wanted to establish an American colony to increase its _____and_____.

13 wealth and power

14 Great Britain hoped to find ____, ____, and ____ ____ in America.

15 silver, gold, and raw materials

16 Jamestown was primarily an ______ venture.

17 economic

18 Who financed the settlement of Jamestown?

19 The stockholders of the Virginia Company of London.

20 Which water features were important to the early history of Virginia?

21 Atlantic Ocean Chesapeake Bay James River York River Potomac River Rappahannock River

22 The rivers of Virginia provided _____ and a means of _______ for exploration.

23 food and transportation

24 Many early Virginia cities developed along the_____ _____, the natural border between the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions, where the land rises sharply and where the waterfalls prevent further travel on the river

25 fall line

26 In what ways is Virginia part of the US economy?

27 Tourism is a major part of Virginia’s economy
Tourism is a major part of Virginia’s economy. Also, many federal workers live and/or work in Virginia. The federal government has a significant impact on Virginia’s economy.

28 Virginia has a large number of _______ and other ______ industries.

29 communications and technology

30 Virginia’s ______system moves raw materials to factories and finished products to markets.

31 transportation

32 Virginia ______agricultural and manufactured products, including tobacco, poultry, coal, and large ships.

33 exports

34 Where was Jamestown originally located?

35 Jamestown was located on a narrow peninsula bordered on three sides by the James River.

36 Where is Jamestown located today?

37 Jamestown is located on an island in the James River.

38 What are the three main reasons the settlers chose the Jamestown site?

39 1. The location could be easily defended from attack by sea. 2
1. The location could be easily defended from attack by sea. 2. The water along the shore was deep enough for the ship to dock. 3. They believed they had a good supply of fresh water.

40 Who granted the charters of the Virginia Company of London?

41 The King of England

42 The settlers had ______ rights.

43 English

44 What hardships did the Jamestown settlers face?

45 1. The site they chose to live on was marshy and lacked safe drinking water The settlers lacked some skills necessary to provide for themselves. 3. Many settlers died of starvation and disease.

46 What changes took place that resulted in survival of the settlers?

47 1. The arrival of supply ships. 2
1. The arrival of supply ships. 2. The forced work program and strong leadership of Captain John Smith. 3. The emphasis on agriculture.

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