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PONY EXPRESSPONY EXPRESS By: Caleb SloanBy: Caleb Sloan.

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Presentation on theme: "PONY EXPRESSPONY EXPRESS By: Caleb SloanBy: Caleb Sloan."— Presentation transcript:

1 PONY EXPRESSPONY EXPRESS By: Caleb SloanBy: Caleb Sloan

2 WHERE YOURWHERE YOUR Tell which continent your country is located on and which countries are its neighbors.

3 GEOGRAPHIC FEATURES OF YOUR COUNTRY Name any important rivers, lakes, oceans, mountain ranges, and other geographic features that can be found in or next to your country.

4 CLIMATE OF YOUR COUNTRYCLIMATE OF YOUR COUNTRY Tell about the typical weather patterns in your country throughout the calendar year.

5 ENVIRONMENT OF YOUR COUNTRYENVIRONMENT OF YOUR COUNTRY Describe some of the native animals and plants that can be seen in your country.

6 HISTORY OF YOUR COUNTRYHISTORY OF YOUR COUNTRY Name of Event 1 Name of Event 2 Name of Event 3 Name of Event 4 Name of Event 5 Name of Event 6 1 st date2 nd date3 rd date4 th date5 th date6 th date Description of event

7 CUSTOMS AND TRADITIONSCUSTOMS AND TRADITIONS Tell about the important customs and traditions celebrated in your country. Include information about who celebrates and when they celebrate.

8 GOVERNMENT OF YOUR COUNTRYGOVERNMENT OF YOUR COUNTRY Explain how laws are made and changed in your country. Tell how people are chosen to lead the country.

9 ECONOMY OF YOUR COUNTRYECONOMY OF YOUR COUNTRY Explain which goods and services are produced in your country. How do people typically provide for the needs of themselves and their families?

10 TOURISM IN YOUR COUNTRYTOURISM IN YOUR COUNTRY Tell about the points of interest in your country that people from other countries may be interested in visiting.

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