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Close Reading Lesson “Frederick Douglass” by Robert Hayden Page 69.

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1 Close Reading Lesson “Frederick Douglass” by Robert Hayden Page 69

2 First Reading: First Impression  Read the passage silently. Your focus is on understanding the meaning of the passage. Think about the words that are unfamiliar to you. Use context clues to try to figure out their meanings.  Circle words you don’t know  Paraphrase meaning of the chunks of text on the left hand side

3 Rate Your Understanding of the Text  1- No idea what the passage is about  2- Kind of understand what the passage is about  3- Have a fairly good understanding what the passage is about  4- Have a solid understanding what the passage is about  5- Completely understand everything in the passage

4 Post First Read Discussion  You will now have three minutes to discuss the text with your group.  Each person should get a turn to:  1. Share a word they do not know  If someone knows the word, explain the word and add this to your notes OR  Go back into the text and see if the group can figure it out using context clues  2. Share their summary notes  If you learn something, write it down  Timer Timer

5 Second Reading: Vocabulary in Context  Listen and follow along. As you read along with the video, use The Metacognitive Markers that have been provided to you. Remember if you make a mark, you should make a note.  _____________ IMPORTANT  ! Aha moment; now I get it  * I have a comment to make  ? I don’t understand this

6 Rate Your Understanding of the Text  1- No idea what the passage is about  2- Kind of understand what the passage is about  3- Have a fairly good understanding what the passage is about  4- Have a solid understanding what the passage is about  5- Completely understand everything in the passage

7 Post Second Read Discussion  You will now have three minutes to discuss your metacognitive markers.  Each person should get a turn to:  1. Share a mark they made and  2. Explain why they made that mark  If you learn something, add it to your notes. If you agree, disagree, or would like to add to what the person sharing has said, make a comment.  Timer Timer

8 Third Reading: Author’s Craft  Now read the passage again, this time with the focus on the author’s craft. Choose a power verb and describe what the author is doing on the right side.

9 Power Verbs AcknowledgesAnalyzesArticulatesAsserts CharacterizesCitesClarifiesCompares ComplimentsConfirmsContrastCriticizes DebatesDeclaresDefendsEvokes DemonstratesEstablishesExplores Exposes ExaggeratesExpressesHighlightsHints IllustratesImpliesIndicatesJustifies ListsMocksNotesObserves Points outPortraysPraisesQuestions QuotesReflectsReinforcesReveals Sheds LightSignifiesSuggestSupports SymbolizesTrivializesUnifiesVerifies

10 Rate Your Understanding of the Text  1- No idea what the passage is about  2- Kind of understand what the passage is about  3- Have a fairly good understanding what the passage is about  4- Have a solid understanding what the passage is about  5- Completely understand everything in the passage

11 Accountable Talk Stems / Group Discussions Linking Contributions I would like to build on what _____ said… I respectfully disagree. This is how I am thinking… I’d like to follow up by saying… I’d like to piggy-back on that thought… Clarifying So, are you saying… What did you mean when you said…? Explain that some more… Let’s make sure we understood what you said… Pressing for Reasoning Why do you think that? How can we check that? I want to push back a little about that… I’m having trouble understanding that point…. How does this connect…?

12 Discussion  You will now have three minutes to discuss your thoughts about the questions.  Each person should get a turn to respond to each question.  If you learn something, add it to your notes. If you agree, disagree, or would like to add to what the person sharing has said, make a comment.  Timer Timer

13 What do you think Hayden is saying about the concept of freedom in lines 4 & 5?

14 The author uses several lists in the poem. What is the affect of the list describing Douglass on lines 7-11?

15 Synthesize Your Understanding Writing Prompt: Both Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass were deemed worthy of tribute in the two selections we have read. How are their tributes different? How do you know this? Write an ACECED paragraph to support your answer.

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