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Curriculum Night Class of 2015/16. Daily Schedule ○ 8:00-8:20 Morning work – Math ○ 8:20-10:00 Math ○ 10:00-10:20 Read aloud/snack ○ 10:20-10:50Recess.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night Class of 2015/16. Daily Schedule ○ 8:00-8:20 Morning work – Math ○ 8:20-10:00 Math ○ 10:00-10:20 Read aloud/snack ○ 10:20-10:50Recess."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night Class of 2015/16

2 Daily Schedule ○ 8:00-8:20 Morning work – Math ○ 8:20-10:00 Math ○ 10:00-10:20 Read aloud/snack ○ 10:20-10:50Recess ○ 10:50-12:28Language Arts ○ 12:28-12:55Lunch ○ 12:50 - 1:05Pack up/bathrooms ○ 1:05 - 1:50Encore ○ 1:50 -2:10Bathroom/Silent Read ○ 2:10-2:45Social Studies/Science ○ 2:45-2:50 Clean up and dismissal

3 Arrival & Morning Work ○ Students need to be unpacked and ready to learn by 8:20 (includes getting breakfast, using bathroom, etc.) ○ Math morning routine ○ Done independently first ○ Reviewed as a class—students make additions/revisions as needed ○ We confer on homework, then go into the lesson for the day

4 Math ○ PROBLEM SOLVERS! “PBL Style” ○ Quarter 1 ○ Place value ○ Addition & subtraction review ○ Area & perimeter (for multiplication) ○ Quarter 2 ○ Multiplication (please practice facts!) ○ Measurement ○ Division ○ Quarter 3 – Fractions (cook, bake at home) ○ Quarter 4 – Decimals & geometry

5 Language Arts ○ Reading ○ Focus on deep meaning/author perspective ○ Book studies/Literature groups-Roald Dahl ○ Nonfiction/WWII unit ○ Close reading ○ Notice & Note Signposts ○ Language Arts ○ Wordly Wise ○ ENCORE writing-to reinforce skills ○ Narrative, research papers and persuasive writing pieces that have gone through the entire writing process-put into a portfolio ○ Spelling strategies

6 Social Studies ○ All about North Carolina! ○ Exploration & Colonization ○ Migration & Settlement ○ Constitution & Government ○ State Growth ○ State Development ○ State Symbols ○ Personal Financial Literacy ○ Global awareness as a 21 st century skill

7 Science ○ Quarter 1 ○ Ecosystems/Animal Adaptations ○ Molecular Biology (nutrition) ○ Quarter 2 ○ Earth in the Universe (moon phases) ○ Earth History (fossils) ○ Quarter 3 ○ Matter: Properties and Changes (includes rocks and minerals) ○ Quarter 4 ○ Forces and Motion ○ Energy: Conservation & Transfer (includes electricity)

8 Homework ○ Goals: ○ Reinforce skills taught in class ○ Provide additional time for practice/activities Teach responsibility/time management Allow students to see what they don’t get ○ Keep parents in the loop ○ Homework Tickets & OOPF! Sheets ○ More information on my website hows and whys of homework

9 Communication Tuesday Folders ORANGE FOLDERS-please return contents Parent Assist Information about access from office Progress reports-WILL be sent Planners Homework-Student specific time to write Remind child to tell me if there is a note Email School and home are fine, but more likely to get response from school (usually late) Conferences Prearranged-most days 7:30-7:50AM, and 3-3:20 PM, set up via email

10 Grades-WSFCS 90-100=A Excellent progress (Working independently, mastering content at a high level) 80-89=B Good progress (Working independently, above average content mastery) 70=79=C Satisfactory progress (Adequate/expected progress of grade level content) 60-69=D Slow progress (Below grade level and/or difficulty working independently) 0-59=F Not meeting grade-level expectations (Unable to/does not work independently)

11 PowerSchool/Parent Assist ○ Great way for parents to stay informed about grades. (Paper grades are sent in orange folder, but are calculated differently on Parent Assist.) You need to get the password from the office. ○ Please be aware: ○ Categories are weighted ○ Single assignment “Fs” ○ Curving/dropping/revising grades

12 Field Trips ○ Two big trips to reinforce social studies and science: ○ WFU September 17 ○ Bird Rehabilitation guest-October 23 ○ Raleigh- October 28 (still one spot on the bus) ○ Duke Energy-November 20 ○ Hiddenite-April 29 ○ Other groups will come (or have already) to visit our school for in school field trips ○ Must be a Level 2 volunteer to chaperone!

13 BYOD Bring Your Own Device ○ Devices must have Wifi connectivity to work in the classroom ○ Students are not required to bring a device ○ Students are responsible for any devices that they do choose to bring (classroom stays locked when we aren’t in it) ○ We will develop a class “BYOD Constitution” to be signed by parents and students

14 Questions? Thank you for being here.

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