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How do we focus on the future in our urban environments?

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Presentation on theme: "How do we focus on the future in our urban environments?"— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we focus on the future in our urban environments?

2 Data Collection and Usage  Crash Reports  GIS Tools  Crash Management Systems URBAN ISSUES

3 Law Enforcement (Technology)  Portable Driver Feedback Signs  Is there any new technology others should be made aware of? URBAN ISSUES

4 Law Enforcement (Enforcement)  Using Speed Studies to target enforcement  What are Enforcement issues? URBAN ISSUES

5 Speed Limits  How are they being determined?  Designing streets to correspond with speed limits URBAN ISSUES

6 Education  What should the general public know that it appears they do not?  What methods are the best for education now and into the future? URBAN ISSUES

7 Access Management  Statistics show that it works  How do we get public acceptance?  What works? URBAN ISSUES

8 Safety Solutions?  Traffic Calming  Roundabouts  Bike Lanes URBAN ISSUES

9 Other Thoughts? URBAN ISSUES

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