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ALMA Science WorkshopMay 14, 2004 Present and Future Thomas W. Folkers Arizona Radio Observatory.

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Presentation on theme: "ALMA Science WorkshopMay 14, 2004 Present and Future Thomas W. Folkers Arizona Radio Observatory."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALMA Science WorkshopMay 14, 2004 Present and Future Thomas W. Folkers Arizona Radio Observatory

2 ARO’s Observing Philosophy On site support personnel. ( Operators ) On site support personnel. ( Operators ) Emphasize remote observing. Emphasize remote observing. Service observing. Service observing.  Staff Astronomers for observer support.  Useful for targets of opportunity. Priority observing queuing. ( SMT ) Priority observing queuing. ( SMT )  Switch to higher frequency for PWV < 2mm. (2) Calls for proposals per year. (2) Calls for proposals per year. 20% Time available to outside observers. 20% Time available to outside observers.

3 Present Capabilities

4 SMT: Specifications Elevation:10,435 ft. Elevation:10,435 ft. Dish:10 Meter. f/D = 0.35 Dish:10 Meter. f/D = 0.35 Surface:60 Adjustable CFRP Panels. Surface:60 Adjustable CFRP Panels. Accuracy:15 microns RMS. Accuracy:15 microns RMS. Pointing:< 2 arc seconds, RMS on Sky. Pointing:< 2 arc seconds, RMS on Sky. Tracking:< 0.2 arc seconds. RMS Tracking:< 0.2 arc seconds. RMS Freq Coverage:210 – 500 GHz. Freq Coverage:210 – 500 GHz. 600 – 800 GHz with PI Inst. Observing Window:24 Hrs/day, 9 Months/year. Observing Window:24 Hrs/day, 9 Months/year.

5 SMT Receivers Spectral Line: Spectral Line:  230 GHz SIS 210-275 GHz DSB Single Pixel 210-275 GHz DSB Single Pixel  345 GHz SIS 320-375 GHz DSB Dual Polarization 320-375 GHz DSB Dual Polarization  SORAL DesertStar 7 Channel 345 Array + 4 (230 GHz). 3 345 GHz Pixels implemented. 3 345 GHz Pixels implemented.  490 GHz SIS 425-500 GHz DSB Single Pixel 425-500 GHz DSB Single Pixel 385-420 GHz with Ziurys Lab LO System. 385-420 GHz with Ziurys Lab LO System. Continuum: Continuum:  19 Channel 345 GHz Bolometer Array of 19 870µm pixels Array of 19 870µm pixels  4 Color Bolometer 1300µm, 870µm, 450µm, 350µm Single Pixels 1300µm, 870µm, 450µm, 350µm Single Pixels

6 SMT Backends Spectral Line: Spectral Line:  Filters Banks: 128 x 62.5 kHz Filters. 128 x 62.5 kHz Filters. 256 x 250 kHz Filters. 256 x 250 kHz Filters. 256 x 1 MHz Filters. 256 x 1 MHz Filters.  Acousto-Optical-Spectrometers: (3) Units of 2048 Channels each. (3) Units of 2048 Channels each. –(2) 1 GHz Bandwidth. 1MHz Resolution. –(1) 250 MHz Bandwidth. 385 kHz Resolution.  Chirp Transform Spectrometer: 4096 Channels. 183 MHz Bandwidth. 43KHz Resolution. 4096 Channels. 183 MHz Bandwidth. 43KHz Resolution. (1) Unit Installed. (1) Unit Installed. (2) More in the works. (2) More in the works.  All Backends usable simultaneously. Continuum Backends: Continuum Backends:  Digitizes 20 Channels simultaneously.

7 Control System on the SMT Graphical User Interface. ( Xwindows ) Graphical User Interface. ( Xwindows ) Network Based Distributed Parallel Processing. Network Based Distributed Parallel Processing. Remote: Remote:  Observing.  Debugging.  Operation Possible. High Data Rates. 100ms Dump Rate. ( Up to 20X for OTF) * High Data Rates. 100ms Dump Rate. ( Up to 20X for OTF) * Non-Propriety Hardware. ( PCI / ISA / PC104 ) Non-Propriety Hardware. ( PCI / ISA / PC104 ) Non-Propriety Operating Systems. ( Linux ) Non-Propriety Operating Systems. ( Linux ) Compatible with 12 Meter. Compatible with 12 Meter. * Versus old VAX/CAMAC based System


9 SMT Control Room

10 SMT Computer Room (Before)

11 SMT Computer Room (After)

12 12CO(2-1) map of the Gem OB1 region obtained using OTF mapping at the HHSMT. The image shows the line integrated intensity, in antenna temperature units, smoothed to the beam size of the telescope at this frequency (i.e., 32"). The contours range from 10 to 140 K km/s in steps of 5 K km/s. The antenna beam is shown in the small box in the upper right-hand corner. Approximately 87,000 spectra have gone into this 0.75 º x 1 º map. An RMS of 0.25 K per binned point was reached for the whole map in 22 hours of observation with a single pixel receiver. NOTE: Before smoothing, the original number of individual spectra contained in this map is 6 times as many. (522,000) Fast OTF Mapping at the SMT

13 19 Ch Bolometer Continuum OTF Bolometer sensitivity: For weather ~ 2mm PWV, 400”x300” map with default pars 150 mJy rms in 35 mins ON-OFF Sequence 600mJy/√secs

14 SMT Observing Modes Spectral Line: Spectral Line:  Position Switched: Relative. Relative. Absolute. Absolute.  Beam Switched ( Up to 240” Beam Throw ).  Mapping Grid Mapping ( PS, APS ) Grid Mapping ( PS, APS ) Total Power Mapping Total Power Mapping On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) Continuum Continuum  Switched or Total Power ON/OFFS ( Sequences )  Sky Tips  Mapping On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) Grid Mapping Grid Mapping VLBI VLBI  2 mm ( New JT System )  1 mm ( New JT System ) 34µarcsec ( HHT – Pico Veleta ) 34µarcsec ( HHT – Pico Veleta )

15 SMT Weather Statistics % of Time 2000-2001<0.06<0.075<0.15<0.30 October0.82.618.738.2 November8.515.759.283.4 December7.615.652.976.4 January15.322.855.872.2 February5.19.650.776.5 March3.89.449.584.4 April5.511.850.375.5 May0.41.219.369.0 June0.31.010.345.1 2003-2004<0.06<0.075<0.15<0.30October0.32.227.857.7 November12.320.152.473.4 December14. January1.02.332.372.2 February14.121.653.483.1 March5.211.644.071.5 April5.010.344.375.7 May June 2002-2003<0.06<0.075<0.15<0.30October2. November8.413.847.676.0 December7.714.749.778.4 January7.115.353.287.1 February7.412.433.461.5 March13.018.345.874.0 April5.811.152.489.9 May3.26.231.671.6 June0.81.29.758.0 2001-2002<0.06<0.075<0.15<0.30October2.04.623.354.6 November3.44.619.160.6 December19.329.459.389.3 January11.416.943.970.5 February14.425.360.190.4 March15.524.568.890.3 April1.54.727.577.4 May5.39.033.985.3 June0.10.26.735.8 225 GHz Tipper Opacity. PWV(mm) = tau225 * 19

16 12M: Specifications Elevation:6,280 ft. Elevation:6,280 ft. Dish:12 Meter. f/D = 1.15 Dish:12 Meter. f/D = 1.15 Surface:72 Adjustable Al. Panels. Surface:72 Adjustable Al. Panels. Accuracy:75 µm rms. Accuracy:75 µm rms. Pointing:< 5” rms on Sky. Pointing:< 5” rms on Sky. Tracking:< 1” rms Tracking:< 1” rms Freq Coverage:68 – 265 GHz. Freq Coverage:68 – 265 GHz. Observing Window:24 Hrs/day, 10 Months/year. Observing Window:24 Hrs/day, 10 Months/year.

17 12 Meter Receivers 3 mm SIS Low 3 mm SIS Low  68 – 90 GHz SSB Dual Polarization. 3 mm SIS High 3 mm SIS High  90 - 116 GHz SSB Dual Polarization. 2 mm SIS 2 mm SIS  133 - 180 GHz SSB Dual Polarization 1 mm SIS 1 mm SIS  200 - 265 GHz SSB Dual Polarization

18 12 M Backends Filters Banks: Filters Banks:  (1) 128 x 30 kHz.  (1) 256 x 100 kHz.  (1) 256 x 250 kHz.  (1) 256 x 500 kHz.  (2) 256 x 1 MHz.  (2) 256 x 2 MHz. Millimeter Autocorrelator: Millimeter Autocorrelator:  Configurable from 2048 – 32768 Channels.  Resolutions from 6.1 to 781.2 kHz per Channel. Digital Continuum Backend: Digital Continuum Backend:  1 - 8 Channels.

19 12 Meter Observing Modes Spectral Line: Spectral Line:  Position Switched: Relative. Relative. Absolute. Absolute.  Frequency Switched  Beam Switched  Mapping Grid Mapping ( PS, APS, FS ) Grid Mapping ( PS, APS, FS ) Total Power Mapping Total Power Mapping On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) Continuum Continuum  Switched or Total Power ON/OFFS ( Sequences )  Sky Tips  Mapping On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) On-The-Fly Mapping ( OTF ) Grid Mapping Grid Mapping VLBI VLBI  2 mm  1 mm

20 ARO, the Future

21 New Receivers

22 2mm, 1.3mm & 1mm Closed Cycle JT Receiver

23 JT Optics 1.3mm Configuration Shown

24 Exploded View

25 345 GHz & 490 GHz Dual Polarization SSB Closed Cycle JT Receiver

26 New Backends

27 2048 Channel 1 MHz Filters Banks Fully Software Configurable:   (2) Banks of 1024 Channels ( 1 GHz BW )   (4) Banks 0f 512 Channels. ( 512 MHz BW )   (8) Banks of 256 Channels. (256 MHZ BW ) Self Calibrating. Auto Failure Detection. State of the Art Technology. Surface Mount Devices. Compact.

28 New Filterbank Card—32 Channels IF Processor Card

29 Forbes Filters, Test Setup

30 New Computers 12 Meter: 12 Meter:  All Sun Solaris systems scheduled for replacement, summer 2004.  Fast Dual Processor Xeon Linux Systems.  Dual Flat-Panel Video Displays.  Observer’s Workstation Already Installed. SMT: SMT:  Replacing Remaining Sun Workstations with Additional Fast Linux Machines. Tucson: Tucson:  Replacing Sun Workstations with Fast Linux Machines for Visiting Astronomers.

31 12 Meter, New UPS System Powerware 9330 UPS 40 KVA. All systems can now be placed on UPS. Installation Summer 2004.

32 Late Breaking Results

33 CS J=8->7 391 GHz IRC+10216 390 GHz LO was provided by the Ziurys Lab. 390 GHz LO was provided by the Ziurys Lab. 490 GHz Receiver at the SMT. 490 GHz Receiver at the SMT. Relatively Unexplored Region. Relatively Unexplored Region. Relatively High Atmospheric Transmission. Relatively High Atmospheric Transmission. 50% Atmospheric Transmission Achieved for 1mm PWV. 50% Atmospheric Transmission Achieved for 1mm PWV. Best Accessible High Transition of CS. Best Accessible High Transition of CS. 10m Beamwidth of the SMT is 19" at 391 GHz. 10m Beamwidth of the SMT is 19" at 391 GHz. CS J=8->7 in IRC+10216 391 GHz

34 New Atmospheric Window 385-420 GHz Highest Transition of CS giving over 50 % atmospheric transmission.

35 Arizona Radio Observatory

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