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Deirbhile Nic Craith Education Officer 17 Samhain 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Deirbhile Nic Craith Education Officer 17 Samhain 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deirbhile Nic Craith Education Officer 17 Samhain 2011

2 Literacy permeates the curriculum

3 DES Circular - 56/11 (a)Improved professional development for teachers (CPD) (b) Increasing the time available for teaching literacy and numeracy (c) Improving arrangements for assessment of children’s literacy and numeracy achievement (d) Better arrangement for reporting children’s progress (e) Co-operating with the administration of national and international assessment studies

4 What should a primary school curriculum for the 21 st century look like?


6 Assessment Is the inspectorate’s criticism of our underutilisation of assessment justified? What is the role of standardised tests in improving literacy At school level? At system level? How can we identify and share our successes?

7 Partnership with parents based on mutual trust, understanding, respect and support

8 Managed Professional professional who operated efficiently and effectively … no more than a skilled technician … has specified competencies, is extrinsically motivated within a contractual relationship, and produces what the performance indicators measure (Olssen et al, 2004)

9 Professional leadership for the 21 st century

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