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Curatr Kenneth Taira (562) 448-2472.

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Presentation on theme: "Curatr Kenneth Taira (562) 448-2472."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curatr Kenneth Taira (562) 448-2472

2 Curatr When you see children in a museum  They run around and choose what they want to look at first  Eventually they cover everything When you watch someone play commercial games  They are intent and focused  Goal is to complete tasks or gain experience points to reach the next level In developing Curatr, Ben Botts tries to combine both approaches. The idea is that in school as well as life, grading can be based on how far you achieve (i.e. level attained)

3 Curatr Gallery



6 Click on Node

7 View Object

8 Entering Comments

9 See Similar Object

10 Menu (bottom of screen)

11 Other Buttons Collections Exhibition Guides

12 Level Objectives To the left of screen a tab can show activities such as taking a quiz or level objectives

13 Following Participants Click on Dinosaur and Follow Others

14 Following Participants

15 Authoring

16 Gateways Require quizzes to pass to next level  Multiple Choice  Short Essay Once complete, can see other’s answers and grading is “crowd-sourced”

17 Planning

18 Learning Objects Powerpoints PDF’s Flash Objects (like educational games; try Videos Websites

19 Planning Objects

20 Curatr – Hosted Solution Costs  $2-$5 per student per month

21 Along the Same Lines Etudes LMS  New version in June specifies that you have to complete a particular task before you can attempt another WebStudy LMS  Comprehensive Logic Functions Based on Scores  Can pass to the next area  Can be forced to an area containing remedial work before you can go on.

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