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Curriculum Night Presentation By Bailey Calloway September 15, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Curriculum Night Presentation By Bailey Calloway September 15, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curriculum Night Presentation By Bailey Calloway September 15, 2011

2 Welcome Curriculum Overview Literacy Curriculum Overview Parent and Student Responsibilities CMS Grading Scale and Weights of Grades Accessing the Third Grade Web Sites Overview of EOG PowerPoint Questions Thank you for your support. It is going to be a fantastic year! Third Grade Curriculum and EOG Night Agenda

3 Curriculum Overview Grade 3 GrMathImagine It!ScienceSocial Studies 3 rd Unit 1: Trading Stickers, Combining Coins Geometry Unit Unit 3: Collections and Travel Stories Permutations and Combinations Unit Unit 5: Equal Groups Measurement Unit Unit 6: Stories, Tables, and Graphs Unit 7: Finding Fair Shares Graphing Unit Unit 8: How Many Hundreds, How Many Miles? Unit 9: Solids and Boxes (Post EOG) Friendship Animals and Their Habitats Money Earth, Moon, and Sun Communities Across Time Storytelling Soil Properties and Plants The Human Body Objects in the Sky Plant Adaptations Citizenship: People Making Differences Communities

4 Literacy Curriculum Overview Imagine It! Themes and Key Questions Friendship – What are the Qualities of a Good Friend? Animals and Their Habitats – What causes Habitats to change? Why do Animals live where they live? Money – How does Money work? What is its Role in People’s lives? Earth, Moon, and Sun – What can we learn studying the Earth, Moon and Sun? Communities Across Time – What are Communities? How has your Community changed over time? Storytelling – How Stories are retold and passed down over generations. Comprehension Strategies Predicting Asking Questions *Summarizing Making Connections Visualizing Clarifying Setting Goals Adjusting Reading Speed Comprehension Skills Reality vs. Fantasy **Main Idea/Details Point of View **Drawing Conclusions (Inferring) Author’s Purpose Compare/Contrast Fact/Opinion Cause/Effect Classify/Categorize Sequencing QAR’s (Question/Answer/Relationships) Where do I look for answers to the questions? BOOK: Key Words #1- RIGHT THERE You can put your finger right on the answer in the text. # 2– THINK and SEARCH You have to read to find the answer in more than one place in the text. BRAIN: Clues # 3– AUTHOR and ME The answer is not directly in the text. You have to FIGURE IT OUT. # 4– ON MY OWN The answer is NOT in the text. You have to think about what YOU know. Tips for Parents Schedule time for reading Discuss the story (ask questions) Read with your child (listen to them read aloud) Read to your child Expose them to various genres Literacy Assessments/Tests - Weekly Comprehension, Vocabulary, and Spelling Tests - Specific Skills assessments - Novel Study Assessments - Reading Formative (District Assessment) - AR

5 Parent & Student Responsibilities Parent Responsibilities Sign agenda every night. Listen to your child read or check for comprehension on silent reading. Check for homework completion. Ask to see homework folder/notebook and agenda. Communicate with teacher via agenda, phone, e-mail, notes, and attend conference. Check Parent Assist frequently. Check papers in Thursday folder. Have a positive attitude about your child’s education. Student Responsibilities Pack his/her own book bag. Put his/ her name, date, and number on all assignments. Write down his/her own homework accurately. Turn in homework and other assignments on time. Raise hand, participate, and ask questions during class.

6 CMS Grading Scale/Report Cards I.CMS Grade Equivalencies  93-100= A  85-92= B  77-84= C  70-76= D  0-69=F II. Mastery= 80% III. Letter grades are an average of all work completed for the quarter IV. Weighting of Grades  Homework/Participation - 1  Class work/Spelling Tests- 3  Comprehension tests - 5  Vocabulary Tests- 5 (in Reading, 4 in Writing)

7 Accessing the Third Grade Web Sites You will need to access the following websites this year: –Our class webpage for homework, announcements, and posted information –Parent Assist to check your child’s grades –Study Island where your child can practice EOG style questions

8 WELCOME TO EOG NIGHT September 15, 2011

9 When is the test? May 14 – 18, 2012 We will test on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. We will be tested in Math and Reading. Fifth grade will also be tested in Science.

10 How Long Are the EOG’s? Subject# of Items Test TimeMax. Time Allowed Mathematics Calculator Active 2 Three - Minute breaks General Instructions Total for Calculator Active Only 54135 6 12 153 240 Mathematics Calculator Inactive 1 Three-Minute Break General Instructions Total for Calculator Inactive Only 2860 3 12 75 150 Reading Comprehension 2 Three-Minute Breaks General Instructions Total for Reading Comprehension 58140 6 12 158 240

11 Math GradeTotal Questions Calculator Active Calculator Inactive 3rd8254 ( 66%)28 (34%)

12 What can you do at home? “Do math” with your child at home as problem – solving partners. Use word problems. Newspapers – graphs and charts Weather reports – charts, graphs, data, and statistics Sporting events – data and statistics Grocery store – measurement and estimation Recipes – measurement Road trips – distance, time, mileage problems By “doing math” together, you will demonstrate that learning mathematics is fun.

13 Literacy Reading Comprehension 2 Three-Minute Breaks General Instructions Total for Reading Comprehension 140 6 12 Total Time 158 Max Time 240

14 How can I help at home? Establish time for your child to read Provide your child with a variety of suitable reading materials Take time to discuss interesting books you and your child have read Model reading by reading a variety of materials Discuss the purpose of different text types such as fiction, letter, newspapers, etc Ensure that your child reads independently each day at a comfortable reading level. ( Reading materials should not be too hard or too easy in terms of subject and content.)

15 Websites –Study Island will help students on all of the math objectives that have been covered in 3 rd grade. ath3 - –Interactive Web Site samples –This site allows students to read the question online, as though they are taking a sample test. – North Carolina Accountability Services practice tests – This site allows you to print of shorter versions of sample tests. ndg3w.pdf ndg3w.pdf –Reading break down of the test

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