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Learner Involvement National Occupational Standards.

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Presentation on theme: "Learner Involvement National Occupational Standards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learner Involvement National Occupational Standards

2 Overview WHAT are the NOS? HOW are they developed? HOW can they be used?

3 What are the NOS? A nationally agreed benchmark for staff working in the lifelong learning sector Specify the standards of performance Set out the skills, knowledge and understanding required to deliver the functions

4 2. How do we develop NOS? The best practice approach Research and Analysis of Sector/Occupation Needs Functional Analysis Identification of existing NOS Development of NOS Approval of NOS Maintaining Relevance & Currency of NOS Promotion and Support forNOS Evaluationof NOS

5 Contribution to the workforce

6 Learner Involvement 1.Promote, Support and implement learner involvement 2.Engage effectively with the learner 3.Support and facilitate the voice of the learner 4.Enable the learner to contribute to planning, quality improvement and governance 5. Facilitate learner support 6. Promote and support learner enrichment 7. Develop as a learner involvement professional

7 Contact details E-mail Tel/Ffon: 0300 3039240

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