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Higher Education Learning Partnerships Towards a Shared Vision.

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1 Higher Education Learning Partnerships Towards a Shared Vision

2 HELP to Change Change is everywhere. Change is complex. Change is permanent.

3 In Europe 99% of all businesses are SMEs Account for around 67% of European GDP Provide over 50% of all jobs in the private sector With growing internationalisation SMEs have to respond to global competition, technical and economic change Faced with these challenges European SMEs need support to enhance skills development and innovation. EU SME Challenges

4 Barriers to Innovation The main barriers to innovation reported by SMEs are: scarcity of skilled labour (especially in new MS) price of labour lack of demand access to finance

5 Economic Change in Hungary Within Europe the knowledge-based economy will continue to grow. Businesses in this sector will need to cooperate with education institutions to provide the skills required for innovation. Finding a job in this sector will depend not just on the level of qualification but also its relevance in the workplace. Access to skills training and education will need to be increased if the Hungarian economy is to grow.

6 Education Work Retire Lifelong Working

7 Education Retire Lifelong Learning

8 HELP is Here The HELP project funded by Tempus is building capacity at Tessedik-SZIE to respond to change. A main objective is to develop partnerships between education and enterprise to understand the type and level of training required by local business. Through these partnerships the project will develop and deliver training to support business development and innovation.

9 What is a Stakeholder Partnership? Stakeholders are a group of people who share a common interest. Stakeholders bring with them different perspectives concerning an area of common interest. Partnerships are created by a group of stakeholders who work together and cooperate around a common interest.

10 Key Stakeholders Stakeholders with common interests in skills training for business development and innovation include representatives from: higher education training institutions private sector local government policy-makers civil society NGOs local communities

11 Project Structure The project will operate for three years and each year has a different theme. Year 1 - Needs Analysis and Stakeholder Dialogue Year 2 - Learning and Training Programme Development Year 3 - Implementation and Evaluation of Learning and Training Programmes

12 HELP HU HELP RO HELP RS HELP HR Regional HELP Network Specialist Training Support UK Schematic Diagram of HELP Network

13 rrr Regional Stakeholder Local

14 Stakeholder Dialogue The stakeholder dialogue should focus on:  identifying areas for education and training development  translating these training needs into priorities  shaping these priorities into strategies for cooperation between enterprise and education in training development

15 Way Forward  agreement for stakeholder involvement in education  establish LP around the skills training agenda  within LP shared vision of objectives  preparation of an action plan based on local skill needs  action plan sequenced into achievable objectives  responsibilities shared between LP members

16 Key Questions  What type of training is required?  How should these training needs be prioritised?  What should be the level of training?  How should the training be developed?  How should the training be delivered?

17 Kulcskérdések  Milyen tipusú tréning szükséges?  Milyen prioritása legyen a tréningnek?  Milyen legyen a tréning szintje?  Hogyan kellene a tréninget kifejleszteni?  Hogyan kellene a tréninget megvalósítani?

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