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Taking Action Together Anti Bullying Week 15-19 November 2010 Presentation adapted from materials by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and East Sussex CC.

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Presentation on theme: "Taking Action Together Anti Bullying Week 15-19 November 2010 Presentation adapted from materials by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and East Sussex CC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taking Action Together Anti Bullying Week 15-19 November 2010 Presentation adapted from materials by the Anti-Bullying Alliance and East Sussex CC

2 Taking Action Together........ Bullying will only stop if we take action together. Bullying behaviour can be fuelled by the action, or lack of action, of the bystander. The majority of children and adults want to take action to tackle bullying.

3 What we know......... 85% of bullying incidents take place with bystanders present. Young people intervene in significantly more episodes than adults do (11% of episodes versus 4%). Bullying behaviour stops in less than 10 seconds nearly 60% of the time when bystanders intervene. 2006 research

4 What is a Bystander? E.g. an observer, onlooker or witness. The ringleader – those leading the bullying, but not always the person ‘doing’ the bullying. Assistant(s) – those involved in ‘doing’ the bullying. Reinforcer(s) - support the bullying, might laugh or encourage other people to collude with what is going on. Outsider(s) - ignore any bullying and doesn’t want to get involved. Defender(s) - stand up for someone being bullied. Know that bullying is wrong. Feel confident enough to do something about it. 2006 Bystanders and Bullying Finish research

5 What prevents students & adults from intervening....? Fear of becoming a target. Not wanting to be called a ‘grass’ or ‘snitch’. “It’s only a bit of fun.” “Ignore it and it will go away.” “They deserve it.”

6 Why do students intervene....? Empathy – know what it feels like. That’s what friends expect. Some experience of helping a victim or being helped in the past. Age – primary age students are more likely to intervene than secondary students.

7 See something, say something! What’s the difference between…? Snitching or grassing - trying to get someone into trouble. Telling or reporting - trying to get someone out of trouble.

8 What you can do....... Tell an adult or older student. Tell the bully to stop, if it is safe to do so. Encourage the bullied person to tell someone. Walk away but tell someone who can help.

9 What you can do....... Go and get a group of mates to help you stop the bullying. Form a friendship group for the person being bullied to make sure they are not isolated. Show your disapproval to the bully.

10 The 3r’s Rights Respects Responsibility

11 The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke (1795)

12 Stand up Speak out Take action

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