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Case Study: Ruth Ellis-the last woman to be hung in the UK

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1 Case Study: Ruth Ellis-the last woman to be hung in the UK

2 Case Study: Ruth Ellis Ruth Ellis was hung in July, 1955 after being found guilty of murdering her boyfriend. Ruth Ellis was hung in July, 1955 after being found guilty of murdering her boyfriend. Ruth shot her boyfriend 5 times outside a public house in north London. The final shot was at point blank range. Ruth shot her boyfriend 5 times outside a public house in north London. The final shot was at point blank range. Task 1: You are the judge in Ruth’s case. How would you punish her?

3 Task 2: You are the judge in Ruth’s case. How would you punish her? Has your answer changed? If it has or has not then explain why. Do you think that losing her life was the right punishment for Ruth? Ruth’s boyfriend, David Blakely was a violent and abusive partner, Ten days before the shooting he had punched a pregnant Ruth in the stomach, causing her to miscarry their baby. Ruth had been raped by her father as a child. Ruth was addicted to anti-depressants.

4 Ruth Ellis On Wednesday, the 13th of July 1955 at London's Holloway Prison, Ruth Ellis secured her place in history becoming the 15th and last woman to be executed in England and Wales in the 20th century. Her case is memorable because she was hanged, had she had been given a life sentence she would have been forgotten in a few weeks by most people

5 Ruth Ellis Ruth Ellis waits for former lover. Shoots him 6 times in front of witnesses. Arrested and immediately confesses. In court admits shooting but claims lover’s previous behaviour had provoked her. Jury took only 23 minutes to find her guilty Last woman in UK to be executed.

6 Should Ruth have hanged? – No She was female and had 2 children Her lover had abused her. Had suffered miscarriage because of lover’s violence, 10 days before. Previous week a woman was reprieved for murder (Sarah Lloyd)

7 Should Ruth have hanged? – Yes Murder was planned and premeditated. Ruth admitted in court her intention was to kill. A bystander was injured in the shooting. Possessed gun and prepared to use it. She refused to appeal against her sentence.

8 Postscript to Ruth Ellis execution The Home Office received 234 applications offering to act as hangman or view her execution according to Syd Dernley the assistant executioner

9 Crowds gather outside Holloway Prison for the execution of Ruth Ellis, the last woman to receive the death penalty in Britain, July 1955. Who benefits from capital punishment? Is it a form of deterrent or merely a public act of revenge? Ellis never had any doubt that she should be executed for what she did but would her case have been judged 'manslaughter' if she was tried under today's judicial system?

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