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Anti-Bullying Information Session for Parents 20 th September 2013 Teversham CE Primary School.

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Presentation on theme: "Anti-Bullying Information Session for Parents 20 th September 2013 Teversham CE Primary School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anti-Bullying Information Session for Parents 20 th September 2013 Teversham CE Primary School

2 Overview of Session : Why a focus on anti-bullying? What do we teach the children? How can parents help?

3 Why are we working on Anti- bullying now? Analysis of behaviour incidents, observations, parent concerns, our concerns, pupil voice Parent view – “This school deals effectively with bullying” – 13% don’t know how we deal with bullying Results of parent questionnaire on behaviour Results of Health Survey – showed some key facts about the views of children at school

4 What do we teach the children?

5 What is bullying? How would you define it? What do you think the children said? DFE: “Bullying is behaviour by an individual or group, repeated over time, that intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally.”

6 What is bullying? When someone hurts another person or their feelings on purpose and makes them feel very miserable. Sometimes it happens over and over again. (child)

7 Bullying can include: Name calling Physically hurting someone Making someone do something they don’t want to Taking or damaging someone’s things Sending nasty texts or emails – cyber bullying Ignoring or deliberately leaving someone out of things Saying or writing nasty things about someone Saying racist or sexist things Pulling faces, body language Threatening someone – saying “If you tell, I’ll …..”


9 What do we teach? 3 key messages….

10 1. TELL, TELL, TELL Who would you tell?

11 2. Don’t be a bystander! A bystander is someone who stands by and watches someone being bullied and doesn’t do anything. They might join in with name calling or laughing, even though they are not the real bully.

12 What should a bystander do? Don’t join in when others are being bullied – it isn’t cool to make others feel useless. Try not to ignore what is happening – tell an adult as soon as you can. Encourage others to ask for help if they are being bullied or if they are bullying others.

13 3. Zero-tolerance at Teversham CE school

14 Assertive behaviour – stand up for yourself Say “No! Stop it! I don’t like it!” Body language Don’t accept it! But don’t retaliate – it helps the bully justify their behaviour

15 Age appropriate teaching Lower school – not being mean to each other, sharing, not always being in charge of the game… how to keep ourselves safe, how to respond, vocabulary of emotions.. Year 6 – empathy, effect of our behaviour on others, understanding others viewpoint, use of words, ways to cope with emotions, truth telling, ways to keep safe; girls and boys behaviour.

16 Consequences? Actions? Aim is to stop it happening any more… change the behaviour Find out what has been happening - both views Talk to other children/bystanders and get a whole picture We make sure everyone is safe – then reflect…..

17 And then… Consequences are put in place if clear story We work with both children to restore relationship, which may involve restorative chats if appropriate

18 Restorative Chats – based on… Non-judgemental listening Open non-violent communication Identify links between behaviour, thoughts, feelings and needs Appreciate others points of view Recognise and own fair solutions Accepting responsibility for harm caused and a need to make amends

19 Eg asking… What were you thinking? Who has been affected? How? What do you need to do to fix things? What can I do to help? How have you been affected? How did you feel? How are you feeling now? What do you want to happen? What can I do to help?

20 So what have we done this week? Anti-bullying lessons - all afternoon this week (apart from Games and PE) – stories, drama, discussions, music, art… Sharing assembly 2.15 Friday afternoon Year 6 are creating a school anti-bullying leaflet for children and parents

21 Posters for around school and displays ABC - Anti-Bullying Council – made up of 2 reps from each class - a boy and a girl - meeting on Friday at 11 am. Parent information session on anti-bullying - today

22 What else are we doing? On-going PSHE this term E-safety – lessons; reinforced; online materials Anti-bullying council each week – to discuss children’s ideas Review policy Address emotional literacy through PSHE

23 Create positive environment so it is less likely to happen and children more likely to report…. Vertical grouping opportunities Flexible partners in class Circle time/circle of friends Assemblies/worship messages Culture of “listening” Fairness, clear boundaries

24 And… Survey pupils – ask key questions eg – Why does it happen? – What else could we do to stop it? – How can children who bully be helped to stop it? – How can we help children who have been bullied? Introduce Restorative Chats Peer mediation - introduce

25 Bullying scenarios – discuss appropriate reponses. What advice would you give?

26 What can parents do to help? Encourage your children to TELL Teach them how to be assertive and stand up for themselves and others (not retaliate) Help them to empathise with others – how would you feel? Help them to be able to recognise and describe their own emotions Discuss messages in films/TV eg disney! Reinforce Esafety

27 Any questions?

28 “Knowing what's right doesn't mean much unless you do what's right.” ― Theodore Roosevelt “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor. If an elephant has its foot on the tail of a mouse, and you say that you are neutral, the mouse will not appreciate your neutrality.” ― Desmond Tutu “What if the kid you bullied at school, grew up, and turned out to be the only surgeon who could save your life?” ― Lynette Mather

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