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COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS) Alma Avila, Senior Accountant April 21, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS) Alma Avila, Senior Accountant April 21, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE OFFICE OF THE AUDITOR-CONTROLLER Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (TRANS) Alma Avila, Senior Accountant April 21, 2005

2 Objectives Describe TRANS. Explain the benefits of TRANS. Provide an overview of the TRANS process. Outline the Auditor-Controller’s role. Outline the department’s role. Open forum/questions.

3 Description of TRANS Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes. Issued by local governments. Finance short term cash flow deficits. Due to irregular receipts. Fund ongoing operations.

4 Benefits of TRANS An inexpensive method of financing short term cash shortfalls. Ability to produce additional income through arbitrage earnings.

5 TRANS Summary FY2003-2004 TRANS Borrowing Note Amount:$170,000,000 Note Repayment: (170,000,000) Borrowing Cost: (153,000) Interest Expense: (3,390,556) Premium: 1,881,900 Investment Earnings: 2,630,287 Net Gain to County: $ 968,631

6 TRANS Process Permitted in accordance with Government Code 53850. Authorized by Board resolution. Application filed to participate. Financial advisors are employed. Reviewed by debt rating agencies.

7 Monitor General Fund (GF) cash. Make projections for the following: 1.Current fiscal year ending cash balance. 2.Next fiscal year ending cash balance. 3.Next fiscal year’s lowest cumulative cash flow deficit. Recommend TRANS borrowing amount. Auditor-Controller’s Role

8 Department’s Role Expedient handling of cash deposits. Timely collection and recording of receivables. Observe accounting practice and rules for accruing revenue. Proper posting of GF revenues and expenditures.

9 Department’s Role (continued.....) Monitor GF budget vs. actual. Monthly reconciliation of accounts receivable and accounts payable. Amend budgets early in the year, when possible.

10 ACO Contacts Alma Avila 5-3952 Jerry Wood 5-3574

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