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7 th Grade Government and Civics Mr. Cole

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1 7 th Grade Government and Civics Mr. Cole

2 1.What is the definition of immigration? ***to come into a country of which one is not a native for permanent residence 2. What are some reasons people immigrate? ***opportunity for jobs/education, freedom of religion, family, government/conflict (war) 3. Why is America a popular destination for immigrants? ***Land of opportunity, free country (freedom of movement), and…see above 4. Why do you think Americans have created so many of the inventions that we use today? (For example: the automobile, telephone, computer, internet, etc.)

3 Do Now: Discuss with a neighbor what your responsibilities are as a student at the Demarest Middle School. What responsibilities are mandatory? HW, following rules, tests, etc What responsibilities are voluntary? Sports teams, clubs, volunteering

4 Essential Questions: What would happen if we didn’t follow through with our responsibilities at DMS? What would happen if we didn’t follow through with our responsibilities as citizens?

5 What is a citizen? Defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary: 1.An inhabitant of a city or town; especially one entitled to right and privileges of a freeman 2. a member of a state 3. a native or naturalized (completed the official legal process of becoming a citizen) person who owes allegiance to a government and is entitled to protection from it

6 What is a citizen? Defined by our class:

7 What is a citizen? Defined by our textbook: A person who owes loyalty to a particular nation and is entitled to all its rights and protections

8 Becoming a citizen? Born in the US (or at least one parent is a citizen) Naturalized (completed the official legal process to become a citizen) You were 18 or younger when your parents were naturalized Immigrant needs to wait 5 years to become a citizen after becoming a resident alien or someone living in the country as a noncitizen. Need to pass citizen test, show good moral character, take interview, then take an oath of allegiance to the US

9 Citizenship-Key Terms Citizenship (citizen): Immigration (immigrant): Native: Naturalized: Civic virtue: Patriotism: Allegiance: Natural Rights:

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