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BEING a DIGITAL CITIZEN in a DIGITAL COMMUNITY What does it mean for you?

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Presentation on theme: "BEING a DIGITAL CITIZEN in a DIGITAL COMMUNITY What does it mean for you?"— Presentation transcript:

1 BEING a DIGITAL CITIZEN in a DIGITAL COMMUNITY What does it mean for you?

2 What makes a Digital Community? First, there has to be a digital world. Sites such as Facebook, My Space and any general use of communication technology are some ways you can be part of the digital community. Second, a real world citizen, such as yourself, can create a digital profile in these sites.

3 Who is a digital citizen? Click on any of the boxes that you may have done or used. Wrote a letter to your grandparents E-mailed a friend a birthday invitation Read a book at the Library Used a chat site Involved in a sport Have a MP3 playing device Used a mobile phone to talk or text some one

4 HOWEVER… When you are at school, home or in public, you follow a code of behaviour and conduct. There should be no difference once you are in the digital world. Today we are going to pair up and use the internet to look at some website that promote productive digital communities.

5 You are a Real World Citizen

6 You are a Digital Citizen

7 Websites things to do.aspx things to do.aspx Type digital citizen into a search engine.

8 Reflection Think, pair, share with a partner. Discuss: How am I a digital citizen?- what technologies do you use? How do I need to act when I’m in the Digital Community? Then… What does a good digital citizen look/sound/feel like?- Each collect a Y-chart from the front, complete and paste in your humanities work book.

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