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Guides Formation for the Welcoming Stage.  A combination of excitement, both for the weekend as for its implications for my future participation, as.

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Presentation on theme: "Guides Formation for the Welcoming Stage.  A combination of excitement, both for the weekend as for its implications for my future participation, as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guides Formation for the Welcoming Stage

2  A combination of excitement, both for the weekend as for its implications for my future participation, as well as a little trepidation at becoming yet more busy!  I want to be better prepared to meet the challenges posed as CLC’s membership becomes more culturally diverse.  I need this weekend for renewal.  A good grounding so that I can grow in my work with my community, especially in welcoming new members.  I am unsettled as I prepare to attend. Do I have the energy to take on something new? Is this really where the Lord is calling me?

3 There is a certain excitement and sense of wonder that is moving through me as I continue to reflect on what being a member of CLC has meant for me so far. I feel a definite sense of adventure as I continue to experience moments of jubilation and lamentation, and learn to appreciate them both as expressions of God’s presence in my life. It is difficult for me to articulate just what it is that is stirring within me as I prepare to attend this workshop. I only know that there is a stirring, and I am eager to respond to it.

4 Mary’s Yes… …Our Response?

5  What in your life right now fills you with energy and excitement?  What has been a significant experience for you of CLC or Ignatian prayer?

6 Day 2 FRIDAY, April 1, 2011  7:45 AMBreakfastBisso Dining Room- 1 st Floor  8:30 AM Morning Prayer - With Our General Principles Pacis Room  9:00 AMMORNING Session- Our Shared Mission in CLC  12:00 PMLunch  1:00 PMAfternoon SessionPacis Room  2:45 PMPractical Applications  4:30 PMMass  5:30 PMDinner  7:30pmListening Skills Overview  9:00pm Awareness Examen

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