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ODMRP (On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol) COSC 6590 Fall 2007 121 November 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "ODMRP (On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol) COSC 6590 Fall 2007 121 November 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 ODMRP (On Demand Multicast Routing Protocol) COSC 6590 Fall 2007 121 November 2015

2 2 Types of Multicast Routing in MANETs Tree-based – One path between a source-receiver pair – AMRoute, AMRIS Mash-based – Multiple paths between a source-receiver pair – ODMRP, CAMP Hybrid – Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP)

3 3 Typical Multicast Routing Protocols AMRIS: Ad Hoc Multicast Routing Protocol Utilizing Increasing ID Numbers – National University of Singapore – Georgia Institute of Technology – November 1998 [draft] ODMRP: On-demand Multicasting Routing Protocol – University of California at Los Angeles – January 2000 [draft]

4 4 Why compare them? AMRISODMRP Big difference TopologyShared Delivery TreeMesh of Nodes Main Similarity Mobility supportYes, based on MANET Driven modeOn-demand, do not store whole network topology Advantagessimple topology low overheads mobility robustness Disadvantagessensitive to mobility (low delivery ratio) complex topology high overheads

5 5 ODMRP Things need to know: – Multicast Messages: JOIN-QUERY (J-Q); JOIN-REPLY (J-R);

6 6 ODMRP: Initialization phase (1) Sender actions: – Downstream Generate J-Q message; Broadcast J-Q ; – Upstream Receive J-R (include the shortest path);

7 7 ODMRP: Initialization phase (2) Intermediate node actions: (Downstream) – Receive J-Q, omit duplicated ones (use cached sequence NO); – Store upstream node info; – Re-Broadcast J-Q;

8 8 ODMRP: Initialization phase (3) Intermediate node actions: (Upstream) – Received J-R; – If node is on the path Generate new J-R’ with node info and broadcast, established!

9 9 ODMRP: Initialization phase (4) JOIN-REPLY message SenderNext Node S1I1 S2I2 SenderNext Node S1 J-R of R1J-R of I1

10 10 ODMRP: Initialization phase (5) Receiver actions: – Downstream Received J-Q; Generate J-R with (path info); – Upstream Broadcast J-R;

11 11 ODMRP: Maintenance phase Soft state approach – Sender repeat J-R periodically to maintain; – Node joins the same as Initialization phase; – Node leaves Sender: stop sending J-Q; Receiver: stop sending J-R; – Link-break received new J-Q and reply with J-R;

12 12 Algorithm Comparison (1) AMRISODMRP More differences Multicast topologyShared Delivery TreeMesh of Nodes InitializationGenerating msm-id;Store upstream info; MaintenanceAll nodes periodically send beacon msg Sender periodically send J-Q msg Node joinsDetect beacon msg and perform BR; Detect J-Q and response J-R; Node leavesStop beacon msg;Stop J-R or J-Q; Link-breakNo more beacon msg and perform BR; received new J-Q and reply J-R; More and more differences (message types, routing table info…)

13 13 Algorithm Comparison (2) AMRIS and ODMRP More Similarities Mobility supportYes, based on MANET Driven modeOn-demand, does not store whole network topology Broadcast messageYes Unicast capabilitiesYes Periodic messageYes Loop freeYes More similarities …

14 14 Performance Comparison (1) Packet Delivery Ratio as a function of mobile speed – # of data packets actually delivered to the destinations versus # of data packets supposed to be received – PDR of ARMIS is speed sensitive

15 15 Performance Comparison (2) Packet Delivery Ratio as a function of # of senders – PDR of AMRIS is not sensitive to # of senders – ODRMP’s performance improves as number of senders increases

16 16 Performance Comparison (3) Packet Delivery Ratio as a function of multicast group size – PDR of ODMRP is not sensitive to group size – AMRIS’s performance improves as member size grows

17 17 Performance Comparison (4) Packet Delivery Ratio as a function of network traffic load – AMRIS has severe packet loss rate – ODMRP suffers less

18 18 Overhead Comparison (1) Number of Control Bytes Transmitted Per Data Bytes Delivered as a function of mobility speed – Control bytes are control packets and data packet headers – Not speed sensitive – AMRIS has lower ratio

19 19 Overhead Comparison (2) Number of Control Bytes Transmitted Per Data Bytes Delivered as a Function of # of Senders – AMRIS does not affected by number of senders – ODMRP may not be efficient in large network

20 20 Qualitative Comparison Bandwidth Consumption – ODMRP tends transmit more control bytes than AMRIS – However, ODMRP has higher packet delivery ratio Power Consumption – Depends on mobility speed, number of sender, network traffic load and etc. – Not a problem for vehicle based mobile nodes Others

21 21 References “Multicast over wireless mobile ad hoc networks: Present and future directions”, Carlos de Morais Cordeiro, Hrishikesh Gossain and Dharma P. Agrawal, IEEE Network, January 2003 “A Performance Comparison Study of Ad Hoc Wireless Multicast Protocols”, Sung-Ju Lee, William Su, Julian Hsu, Mario Gerla, and Rajive Bagrodia, Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM 2000 “Exploring Mesh- and Tree Based Multicast Routing Protocols for MANETs”, Kumar Viswanath, Katia Obraczka and Gene Tsudik “Capacity of Wireless Mesh Networks Understanding Single Radio, Dual Radio and Multi-Radio Wireless Mesh Networks” “On the 802.11 Turbulence of Nintendo DS and Sony PSP Handheld Network Games”, Mark Claypool

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