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ACER Paragraph Format When you respond in writing to an assignment, there are a few important steps you should complete in order to develop well-constructed.

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Presentation on theme: "ACER Paragraph Format When you respond in writing to an assignment, there are a few important steps you should complete in order to develop well-constructed."— Presentation transcript:

1 ACER Paragraph Format When you respond in writing to an assignment, there are a few important steps you should complete in order to develop well-constructed written responses.

2 Before You Do Anything Prewrite
Begin brainstorming about your writing topic or assignment by sketching out a graphic organizer or map of what you think you want to write.

3 Science rules keep students and equipment safe.
For instance…. Why are safety rules important during science labs? Provide three examples to support your answer. Science rules keep students and equipment safe.

4 Let’s Practice…. Writing Prompt about “Why So Early?” article:
How would changing the time school starts benefit students? Use a web to organize your thoughts.

5 A - Answer The “A” is the first line of your ACER paragraph. When you begin writing your A, you will need to keep the following in mind: Credit the source (author and title) If they are not known, leave them out. Flip the question into your answer. Add, “it is clear that,” “it is evident that,” or “it is obvious that” after the introductory clause. Answer the question.

6 Take a Look… Prompt: Why are safety rules important during science labs?
Part I Mention the Source and Author: Ms. Kuntz Part II Restate the Question: Safety rules are important during science labs Part III Provide an Answer: Students and equipment will be protected.

7 For instance…. Why are safety rules important during science labs?
According to Ms. Kuntz, safety rules are important during science labs to prevent injuries to students and damage to equipment. Add the source, highlight the restated question, and underline the answer.

8 Let’s Practice…. Writing Prompt:
How would changing the time school starts benefit students? At this point, distribute “A” Practice handouts.

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