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8A Project A welcome booklet JiangNan Middle School Guoxingfeng.

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Presentation on theme: "8A Project A welcome booklet JiangNan Middle School Guoxingfeng."— Presentation transcript:

1 8A Project A welcome booklet JiangNan Middle School Guoxingfeng

2 title cover What’s in the booklet ?

3 the first page ---- a contents page

4 What information does the booklet say? 3 topics Each article has a heading ( 标题 ).

5 What information would you like to tell new students?

6 Topics / Contents: 1. differences between secondary schools and primary schools (more subjects,less free time,busier … ) 2. school ’ s introduction ( Where? How many classes … ) 3. school subjects ( How many? more difficult,favourite...) 4. school activities ( art / sports festival, school trip … ) 5. how to make new friends ( be ready to help others, say a bad word about anyone … )

7 at our school ( start / finish at … at lunchtime … ) 7. homework ( How much? How long?...) 8. school rules ( wear uniforms … not talk in class...) 9. clubs ( chess,drama,art,singing,pingpong … ) 10.sports ( badminton,basketball,sports meeting … ) 11. places at the school (library,dining hall,playground … ) 12. teachers ( How many? What do they teach ?...) 6

8 1.Which topics will your group choose? 2. Each member of the group chooses one different topic.

9 1. Write an article about your topic in about 80 words. 2. Each member of the group writes a page of the booklet. 3. Write a heading ( 标题 ) for each article writing:

10 1. Exchange your article in your group. 2. Correct the mistakes in grammar( 语法 ),spelling and punctuation ( 标点符号 ). Recommend us a best article. After writing:

11 Share your articles!

12 Put different pages together. Make a contents page ( 目录 ). Make the covers( 封面 ) and decorate ( 装饰 ) them. Give the booklet a title ( 名称 ). Make sure one article has one clear heading ( 标题 ). Tips for making a booklet:

13 Share your welcome booklet !




17 Put more information into your welcomebooklet and get ready to join a designing competition. Homework for each group:


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