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© 201 4, Geo r gia Inst i tute of T echnology Jane McCracken Entrepreneur in Residence. Advanced Technology Development Center.

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Presentation on theme: "© 201 4, Geo r gia Inst i tute of T echnology Jane McCracken Entrepreneur in Residence. Advanced Technology Development Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 201 4, Geo r gia Inst i tute of T echnology Jane McCracken Entrepreneur in Residence. Advanced Technology Development Center

2 Our Mission 2 ATDC helps Georgia entrepreneurs launch and build successful technology companies. Since 1980, we have connected our companies to the people and resources they need to succeed. Oldest, largest, and most successful university- based incubator in the country.

3 What We Do CommonsCommunity Curriculum Coaching Connections Capital Customers Campus 3 We focus on the “Cs”

4 Commons 4

5 Community 5

6 Curriculum 6

7 Coaching 7

8 Connections 8

9 Capital 9

10 Customers 10

11 CampusCampus 30

12 And one more “C”… Our track record speaks for itself… CommonsCommunity Curriculum Coaching Connections Capital Customers Campus Credibility 12

13 Credibility Named a “Top 12 Incubator Changing the World” by Forbes in 2010 and 2013. Nationally, 90% of technology startups fail. More than 90% of the ATDC’s Select graduates are successful five years after their graduation. 13 ATDC’s 150 graduates have collectively raised more than $2 billion.

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