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Dictionary and Thesaurus

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Presentation on theme: "Dictionary and Thesaurus"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dictionary and Thesaurus
Chapter 4 Dictionary and Thesaurus

2 Lecture Launcher What kind of information do you use most often in a dictionary? In a thesaurus?

3 Electronic Dictionaries and Thesauruses
Chapter 4 Brief Outline The Dictionary The Thesaurus Electronic Dictionaries and Thesauruses

4 Chapter 4 Vocabulary dictionary thesaurus entries part of speech etymology guide words context glossary synonyms cross-reference antonym unabridged dictionary

5 Entries- The words in the dictionary
Chapter 4 The Dictionary Entries- The words in the dictionary Guide Words- The two words at the top of each page Words with more than one meaning- Check the context of the word, and choose the correct definition

6 Dictionary Entry Example
Chapter 4 Dictionary Entry Example A ed·u·ca·tion B( "e-jə-'kA-shən), C n. D 1. the action or process of educating or of being educated; also : a stage of such a process; the knowledge and development resulting from an educational process <a man of little education> D 2. the field of study that deals mainly with methods of teaching and learning in schools E ed·u·ca·tion·al /-shnəl, -shə-nəl/ adjective - ed·u·ca·tion·al·ly /-e/ adverb A word divided into syllables B pronunciation of the word C abbreviation of the word’s part of speech D meaning(s) E other ways word can be used

7 A book that lists synonyms (words that mean the same)
Chapter 4 The Thesaurus A book that lists synonyms (words that mean the same)

8 Thesaurus Entry Example
Chapter 4 Thesaurus Entry Example A difficult B adj. C Synonyms hard, tough, labored, tricky, strenuous, toilsome, problematic. D See also hard. E Antonyms simple, easy A word divided into syllables B abbreviation of the word’s part of speech C synonyms D cross-reference E antonyms

9 Electronic Dictionaries
Chapter 4 Electronic Dictionaries and Thesauruses Same use as a regular dictionary or thesaurus except you can use these online

10 LEARNING TIP: Examining Returned Tests
Chapter 4 LEARNING TIP: Examining Returned Tests How can your examination of a returned test help you make better grades on future tests?

11 Chapter 4 REFLECTION Do you regularly use a dictionary to look up unfamiliar words? Why or why not?

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