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Taxonomies of Multirobot Systems Steve Marlowe. Merriam Webster Pronunciation: tak-'sä-n&-mE Function: noun Etymology: French taxonomie, from tax- + -nomie.

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Presentation on theme: "Taxonomies of Multirobot Systems Steve Marlowe. Merriam Webster Pronunciation: tak-'sä-n&-mE Function: noun Etymology: French taxonomie, from tax- + -nomie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Taxonomies of Multirobot Systems Steve Marlowe

2 Merriam Webster Pronunciation: tak-'sä-n&-mE Function: noun Etymology: French taxonomie, from tax- + -nomie - nomy Date: circa 1828 1 : the study of the general principles of scientific classification : SYSTEMATICS 2 : CLASSIFICATION; especially : orderly classification of plants and animals according to their presumed natural relationships - tax·o·nom·ic /"tak-s&-'nä-mik/ adjective - tax·o·nom·i·cal·ly /-mi-k(&-)lE/ adverb - tax·on·o·mist /tak-'sä-n&-mist/ nounSYSTEMATICSCLASSIFICATION

3 Importance comparison evaluate tradeoffs defines issues aids in generalizing

4 Sample Taxonomies Decker agent granularity heterogeneity of agent knowledge control distribution communication methods Cao et al. group architecture resource conflicts origins of cooperation learning geometric problems

5 Dudek, Jenkin & Milios communication range topology bandwidth size composition reconfigurability processing ability

6 Dudek, Jenkin & Milios range none near infinite bandwidth infinite motion low zero topology broadcast address tree graph

7 Dudek, Jenkin & Milios size alone pair limited infinite composition identical homogeneous heterogeneous

8 Dudek, Jenkin & Milios reconfigurability static coordinated dynamic processing ability summation unit finite state automata push-down automata turing machine

9 Exploration using a Topological Map Dudek et al. The collective operates by having individual robots start at a common location and then move independently to explore parts of the graph. Each robot has a unique marker which the robot can pick up/put down at its current location. The individual members meet on a pre-arranged schedule to merge their maps and subdivide the remaining territory.

10 Exploration using a Topological Map Dudek et al. communication range topology bandwidth size composition reconfigurability processing ability

11 Exploration using a Topological Map Dudek et al. communication range topology bandwidth size composition reconfigurability processing ability = near = address = infinite = limited = homogeneous = cooperative = turing machine

12 Moving in Formation Dudek et al. The collective operates in a leader- follower manner in which the leader robot signals its intention to the follower robot. The signaling is performed by the leader robot making specific motions prior to the intended motion which can be easily sensed by the followers.

13 Moving in Formation Dudek et al. communication range topology bandwidth size composition reconfigurability processing ability

14 Moving in Formation Dudek et al. communication range topology bandwidth size composition reconfigurability processing ability = near = broadcast = low = limited = heterogeneous = cooperative = turing machine

15 Stone & Veloso degree of heterogeneity homogeneous heterogeneous degree of communication non-communicating communicating

16 Predator/Prey Domain environment goal

17 Homogeneous, Non-Communicating reactive vs. deliberative local vs global perspective modeling other agents’ states recursive modeling method affecting others

18 Heterogeneous, Non-Communicating benevolence vs. competitiveness third most important issue fixed vs learning agents arms race modeling other agents roles

19 Homogeneous, Communicating distributed sensing communication content bandwidth topology range

20 Heterogeneous, Communicating understanding each other planning communication cost & freedom negotiation auctions commitment/decommitment collaborative localization

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