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Module 3: Powered PPT EDG 6925 Instructional Materials Development Spring 2009 Barbara Davis & Christie Suggs.

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2 Module 3: Powered PPT EDG 6925 Instructional Materials Development Spring 2009 Barbara Davis & Christie Suggs

3 2 What is e 3 Instruction? Effective Efficient Engaging o Electronic learning - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gary Hamel on Managing Generation Y - the Facebook Generation - Gary Hamel’s Management 2.0 - WSJ..\..\Articles\Finding_e3_instruction_EdTech.pdf..\..\Articles\Merrill 2008 Converting e3 learning to e3 learning.pdf Index of /merrill/text/papers Motivation Design

4 3 http://ww w.learning m/act/mre /index.asp Please STOP ! I’m DYING HERE 1 emp·ty Pronunciation: \ˈem(p)-tē\ Function: adjective Inflected Form(s): emp·ti·er; emp·ti·est Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ǣmettig unoccupied, from ǣmetta leisure, perhaps from ǣ- without + -metta (probably akin to mōtan to have to) — more at must Date: before 12th centurymust 1 a: containing nothing b: not occupied or inhabited c: unfrequented d: not pregnant e: null 4a unfrequentednull 2 a: lacking reality, substance, meaning, or value : hollow b: destitute of effect or force c: devoid of sense : foolishhollowfoolish 3: hungryhungry 4 a: idle b: having no purpose or result : uselessidleuseless 5: marked by the absence of human life, activity, or comfort..\..\Articles\First_Principles_Merrill.pdf

5 Efficient Engaging 4

6 5 AActivation DDemonstration AApplication TTask Centered IIntegration

7 6 Feedback e 3 1. Was this presentation effective? 3. Was this presentation engaging? 2. Was this presentation efficient? e3e3 1. Was this presentation enervative? 3. Was this presentation endless? 5. Was this presentation empty? 2. Do you understand enervative? 6. Do you understand empty? 4. Do you understand endless?

8 7 Feedback First Principles 1. Did this presentation activate prior knowledge? 2. Did this presentation demonstrate skills? 3. Did this presentation apply skills? 4. Did this presentation integrate skills? 5. Did this presentation engage you in a task?

9 8

10 9

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