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NPP/NORA Maritime Safety Partenariat March 3rd - 4th, 2010 COPENHAGEN Hans H. Hansen Environment Agency of Iceland NASARM North Atlantic Sensitivity and.

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Presentation on theme: "NPP/NORA Maritime Safety Partenariat March 3rd - 4th, 2010 COPENHAGEN Hans H. Hansen Environment Agency of Iceland NASARM North Atlantic Sensitivity and."— Presentation transcript:

1 NPP/NORA Maritime Safety Partenariat March 3rd - 4th, 2010 COPENHAGEN Hans H. Hansen Environment Agency of Iceland NASARM North Atlantic Sensitivity and Response Map

2 NASARM North Atlantic Sensitivity and Response Map A joint program by Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Norway Funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers

3 Overview What is NASARM Why ? For Whom ? When ? Where? and then a few words on preparation and some technical stuff...

4 A comprehensive web-based sensitivity map, risk assessment, contingency plan and response information system of the North Atlantic Ocean NASARM – ?

5 A steering committee with participants from Iceland, Greenland, Faroe Islands and Norway has been established and is acting as a board for the project. Members of the committee are: Kristján Geirsson - Iceland - chairman, Rune Bergström - Norway, Suni Petersen - Faroe Islands Eigil Knudsen - Greenland. Employee is Hans H. Hansen - Iceland.

6 Nature – sensitive and important areas, nature reserves, wildlife, biology, weather etc. Risk factors – possible pollutants, marine traffic, offshore activities, shipwrecks, drainage etc. Response – who can respond and how, locate rescue and response teams and equipment. Our vision is to collect data and prepare a web based information system about the North Atlantic that covers :

7 It is important to know that this data base and web map is not intended to replace local risk maps and we recommend the use of local websites or databases if people want to have detailed information on some local areas. - There will be links to these sites - The goal of this project is to collect data that gives a good overview of the whole area and that the data being reconciled. What NASARM is not:

8 It is not our intention to produce new data or research for this project, instead we plan to use publicly available data from research institutions, government agencies, universities, individuals and others that accept to contribute to the project. The added value is in the correlation between different entities and countries, thus creating unique opportunity to evaluate the risk of increased shipping, oil exploration, and other possible activities in the marine area, and to better prepare for response if a pollution incident occurs.

9 Recent international development has increased vessel traffic in the fragile and pristine North Atlantic Ocean within the jurisdiction of Greenland, Iceland, Faroe Islands and Norway. It is therefore extremely important that the countries involved unite in surveillance of the increased traffic, collect information on the most sensitive areas and prepare for the emergency response in the case of a larger spill of oil or other hazardous substances. Why - ?

10 This system is aimed to support decision when planning pollution preparedness and/or response. For governments, policy makers, maritime authorities, pollution response units and others, to evaluate the risk of increased shipping, oil exploration, and other possible activities in the marine area, and to better prepare for response if (when) a pollution incident occurs. Also open for the public. For whom - ?

11 Iceberg and scattered ice nearby Mbl. 20.10.2009: Oil tanker between Greenland and Iceland

12 06-10-2009 kl. 22:00

13 When ? The web-map will be ready in the end of 2010. The work is almost according to plan. Web server will be up this month.

14 Project Plan for North Atlantic Sensitivity and Response Map (NASARM) Project leader: Kristján Geirsson Employee: Hans H. Hansen Time: February 2009HHH starts to work on preparation MarchPreparation, examining websites and data of the North Atlantic AprilPreparation, examining websites and acquisition of data of the North Atlantic MayExamining websites and establishing contact with Icelandic collaboratorsTest Gis-server up and working JuneExamining websites and establishing contact with nordic collaborators JulyCompilation of data and web solution development - collaboration with partners AugustCompilation of data and web solution development - collaboration with partners SeptemberCompilation of data and web solution development - collaboration with partners OctoberCompilation of data and web solution development - collaboration with partners1st meeting of steering committee NovemberCompilation of data and web solution development - collaboration with partners DecemberCompilation of data and web solution development - collaboration with partners January 2010Prototype of web solution ready FebruaryTests, corrections and improvements on website and data MarchTests, corrections and improvements on website and data Gis-server ready AprilTests, corrections and improvements on website and data MayTests, corrections and improvements on website and data2nd meeting of steering committee JuneTests, corrections and improvements on website and data JulyNASARM web ready AugustCompilation of report and introduction to collaborators and others SeptemberCompilation of report and introduction to collaborators and others Possible 3rd meeting of steering committee Official launch of website and report to the Nordic Council of Ministers Project Plan

15 Where ? In Cyberspace – on the Internet - where else ??

16 Few words on preparation and some technical issues on the project First few simple rules Keep it simple Keep it accurate and up-to-date –Some layers are static while others may change frequently Keep it fast –Similar technology as in GoogleEarth Attractive, if possible ?

17 Preparation Other projects or websites Available Base Maps Available Overlay Data Local Data Web Solutions

18 Other projects or websites Vákort - af suður- og vesturströnd Íslands –Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland MARIS - system for the HELCOM area EPPR – Circumpolar Map of Resources from Oil Spills in the Arctic NUNAGIS - Greenland on maps KYSTVERKET – Kystinfo - kartløsning...... and many, many, many more

19 Risk Map of South and West coast of Iceland

20 MARIS Maritime Accident Response Information System

21 EPPR Emergency Prevention, Preparedness and Response

22 EPPR Sample – map #35

23 NunaGIS - Greenland on maps

24 KYSTVERKET – KystInfo kartløsning

25 Preparation Other projects or websites Available Base Maps Available Overlay Data Local Data Web Solutions

26 Base Maps – Earth_1km

27 Base Maps – WSI-Earth99

28 Base Maps – Elevation shading

29 Base Maps – Elevation color

30 Base Maps – depth contours GEBCO’97

31 Base Maps – Time Zone Boundaries

32 Base Maps – Mixed – Time zones + shade + depth

33 Base Maps – Mixed Topographic Map

34 LANDSAT – 46 frames

35 LANDSAT – zoom Sandøy 1:100.000

36 LANDSAT – zoom Vestmannaeyjar 1:100.000

37 Preparation Other projects or websites Available Base Maps Available Overlay Data Local Data Web Solutions

38 Overlay Data





43 Overlay Data + links to other data


45 Preparation Other projects or websites Available Base Maps Available Overlay Data Local Data Web Solutions

46 Local Data – Norway

47 Local Data – Iceland

48 Local Data - Greenland

49 Local Data - Greenland + links to other data

50 Preparation Other projects or websites Available Base Maps Available Overlay Data Other Local Data Web Solutions

51 ESRI – ArcGis Server Flex Viewer

52 Area


54 Scale 1:20 000 000 ???........ 1:1000 000 1:500 000 1:250 000 1:100 000.... Bigger ???

55 1:250 000 - Greenland

56 1:250 000 – Faroe Islands

57 1:100 000 - Greenland

58 1:100 000 – Faroe Islands

59 Map projections Lambert Mercator UTM others... ??...... more than one ???

60 Lambert’s Conformal Conic

61 Mercator

62 UTM zone 28

63 North Pole Stereographic

64 Language On hompage – English and other languages In map - English

65 Other options in distributing information Google Earth files Selected scenes as.pdf files Other ?...

66 Google Earth

67 Collection of.pdf files like EPPR

68 Next steps: New and/or updated data –Keep NASARM alive Extension of area Use same or similar methodology on other areas –example more detailed Risk Map of Icelandic Waters Etc. etc.

69 Thanks Hans H. Hansen e-mail:

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