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Implementer’s Group June 2015 RTF Meeting Debrief and Upcoming Meeting Prep June 23, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementer’s Group June 2015 RTF Meeting Debrief and Upcoming Meeting Prep June 23, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementer’s Group June 2015 RTF Meeting Debrief and Upcoming Meeting Prep June 23, 2015

2 Agenda for Today Introductions June Meeting Debrief HPWH Program Plans Upcoming Items Wrap up 2

3 June Meeting Outcomes Residential Lighting RTF extended the sunset date to September (aim is August) Discussed several aspects of the methodology that required RTF judgment RTF agreed to: – Assumptions for percentage of retail purchases that go to commercial applications (10%) and the hours of use (7.5 hours) in those applications  BPA data with more granular hours of use data may be available before final analysis – Shifting towards the EISA bins with encouragement to keep the number of lumen bins to three (250 to 749; 750 to 1049; 1050 to 1489; and 1490 to 2600) – Using RBSA data for residential hours of use, bolstered with additional regional metering data that is available – Extrapolating LED costs and performance out to 2016 to line up with likely timing of program implementation RTF needs more time to work through how to determine the current practice baseline for this measure 3

4 June Meeting Outcomes (cont) MH Calibration RTF adopted the calibration to RBSA for manufactured homes with electric resistance heating – This means that MH weatherization measures with electric resistance heat can be updated to the new calibration RTF agreed research is needed to understand heat pump savings in MH – The calibration to RBSA does not appear to show savings for heat pumps MH Weatherization RTF adopted updated weatherization savings for homes with electric resistance heating. These savings are Proven, Active, with a sunset date of May 31, 2020 RTF adopted updated weatherization savings for homes with heat pump heat as a Planning measure – Used the electric resistance savings – Measure is under review until a Research Strategy is developed) – Sunset date is May 31, 2016 4

5 June Meeting Outcomes (cont) Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning RTF extended the sunset date for this measure until August 2015 to allow time for review RTF agreed to the following: – The updated analysis should rely on the existing logic model – Savings and costs should be treated equally (i.e. the logic model should be applied to savings and costs equally) RTF needs more time to work through the following questions with the Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning Subcommittee – Is the incentive included in the TRC? – Revisiting the costs and benefits associated with each piece of the logic model RTF needs more time to work through the following with a subcommittee of the RTF (these question cut across measures) – How should the RTF account for remaining useful life in costs? – Should the risk mitigation credit apply to short term measures that do not renew themselves? 5

6 Heat Pump Water Heater Programs 6

7 Do you plan to incent large HPWHs? In April, the new Federal standard requires that electric tank water heaters >55 gal be heat pump water heaters (essentially Tier 1) RTF staff is currently planning an “any” tank measure based on the following: – Data shows that existing tank size does not appear to be the primary factor in determining the size of the replacement tank – A person might choose to go from 50 gal to 60 gal (or vice versa) based on price or other features – There are benefits to encouraging larger sized HPWHs (the units perform better, use less of the ER mode) – If someone would have bought a 55 gal HPWH, there are savings Yet, programs may not plan on incentivizing large Tier 1 HPWH given the standard Will your programs incent large Tier 1 HPWHs? 7

8 Upcoming RTF Agenda Items 8

9 Upcoming Agenda Items Potential for July Low-e Storm Windows (new UES) Thermostatic Restriction Valve (new UES) MH HVAC Measures (expected to be Planning) Grocery Display Case LEDs – Reach in Cases (Proven UES) Grocery ECMs for Display Cases (Proven UES) Heat Pump Water Heaters (Planning UES; addition of Tier 3) CVR/VO Update Mid Year Programming Report 9

10 Potential for August and Beyond Multifamily Weatherization New Construction ENERGY STAR Homes MF Residential Lighting (Proven UES) Refrigerator/Freezer Decommissioning (Proven UES) Residential Advanced Power Strips (Planning UES) Res HP Upgrades for New Construction (Proven UES) Duct Sealing Measures (Prescriptive and Performance Duct Sealing Measures across SF and MH) Behavior Standard Protocol (Standard Protocol, Under Review) Non-Residential Lighting Code Compliant (new Standard Protocol) Non-Residential Lighting Retrofits Update (Provisional Standard Protocol) 10 Other Upcoming Items Need to look at whether a new calibration is needed for MF

11 Next Steps Jennifer will develop notes to send next week Future Implementers Group topics? 11

12 Leveraging Conduit A summary of each of the implementers group meetings will be posted to conduit. Get automatically notified when summaries are posted by subscribing to the RTF tag on your profile page 12

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