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Miriam Rich, Virginia Tech IPM CRSP Publicity – Your Role.

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Presentation on theme: "Miriam Rich, Virginia Tech IPM CRSP Publicity – Your Role."— Presentation transcript:

1 Miriam Rich, Virginia Tech IPM CRSP Publicity – Your Role

2 The IPM CRSP image: Impact oriented Innovative research Participatory approach To support our mission of communicating positive impact of IPM around the world

3 1. The Web How? By telling stories via... 2. Print Media

4 Example : USAID’s “Telling Our Story” Case Study: New Irrigation Techniques Help Oaxaca Efficient Irrigation System Raises the Water Table and Increases Farmer Income - Challenge - Initiative - Results

5 Where to find... → Success Story Case Study First Person Before and After Photo and Caption

6 People read differently on the web Think of your audience The Web – some pointers

7 Our Audience USAID Headquarters BIFAD Host country media Host country governments and scientists (other IPM practitioners) Your college community (students, other faculty, administrators) or your organization U.S. Congress U.S. Citizens International Organizations

8 Print Media – Success Stories What was the problem? What did your research show? What did you learn? What did your intervention do? What were the results? The impact?

9 Photos – How to take, what format Take pictures of someone doing something Don’t center everything! Think impact, focus, and contrast Not so useful, for our purposes Much better

10 Photos of bugs!

11 The unexpected perspective!

12 Photos - format Send in jpeg files Don’t send photos in a Word document or PowerPoint file 300 dpi for print; 72 dpi for web Send a CD! 300 dpi – print; 72 - web

13 USAID Branding Use the logo! Find info on branding at: Check out their branding newsletter

14 The most important thing... Is just send us stuff! Even if it’s only an idea. Current web site: Beta of new web site:

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