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 Polynomials Lesson 2 Multiplying Binomials using Algebra tiles and Rectangle Diagrams.

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Presentation on theme: " Polynomials Lesson 2 Multiplying Binomials using Algebra tiles and Rectangle Diagrams."— Presentation transcript:

1  Polynomials Lesson 2 Multiplying Binomials using Algebra tiles and Rectangle Diagrams

2 Todays Objectives  Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the multiplication of polynomial expressions, including:  Multiply two polynomials symbolically, and combine like terms in the product  Generalize and explain a strategy for multiplication of polynomials  Express a polynomial as a product of its factors

3 Multiplying Binomials  Today we will look at two different strategies for multiplying binomials:  Algebra Tiles  Rectangle diagrams

4 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them x+3 x + 5

5 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent the two polynomials x+3 x + 5

6 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent the two polynomials  Step 3: Draw the tiles x+3 x + 5

7 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent the two polynomials  Step 3: Draw the tiles  Step 4: Color the tiles x+3 x + 5

8 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent the two polynomials  Step 3: Draw the tiles  Step 4: Color the tiles  Step 5: Get the result x+3 x + 5

9 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles (You do)  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them x+2 2x-3

10 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent the two polynomials x+2 2x-3

11 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent polynomials  Step 3: Draw the tiles x+2 2x-3

12 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent polynomials  Step 3: Draw the tiles  Step 4: Color the tiles x+2 2x-3

13 Multiplying with Algebra Tiles  Step 1: Draw two dimensions, write polynomials beside them  Step 2: Represent polynomials  Step 3: Draw the tiles  Step 4: Color the tiles  Step 5: Get the result x+2 2x-3

14 If the numbers are big…

15 Rectangle Diagrams x2x2 x2x2 -x 1 1 1 2x 2 -x -6x3

16 Multiplying with Rectangle Diagrams 12x + 32 23+13x

17 Multiplying with Rectangle Diagrams 156x 2 416x 276x736 12x + 32 23+13x

18 Multiplying with Rectangle Diagrams 156x 2 416x 276x736 12x + 32 23+13x

19 Ascending and Descending Order

20 ABCD Quiz  10 teams of 3, each with a scorekeeper  Each group member gets 4 pieces of paper  A,B,C,D  For each question, teams will get 30 seconds to work out the answer  When I say “SLAP DOWN YOUR ANSWER!”, each team should SLAP your answers down on your desk  Team with the most correct answers get candy  People who volunteer to explain the answer get candy

21 D

22 A

23 C

24 B

25 A

26 Homework  Pg. 166-167 #4-6,8,9,12,18,22  Pg. 177-178 #5-7,11

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