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Yankee Doodle Dandy. Sons of Liberty Motto –Join or Die Broke into the homes of the tax collectors and beat them Burned the hated tax stamps. Americans.

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Presentation on theme: "Yankee Doodle Dandy. Sons of Liberty Motto –Join or Die Broke into the homes of the tax collectors and beat them Burned the hated tax stamps. Americans."— Presentation transcript:

1 Yankee Doodle Dandy


3 Sons of Liberty Motto –Join or Die Broke into the homes of the tax collectors and beat them Burned the hated tax stamps. Americans did all that they could to rebel against the British.


5 The Boston Massacre

6 The Boston Tea Party

7 The First Continental Congress

8 The Minutemen

9 “The shot heard ‘round the World”

10 Bunker Hill


12 Who would win? Government strongest in world lots of money army strongest in the world many officers Navy ruled the seas fighting 3000 miles away form home Government did not yet exist no money army made up of citizen-soldiers few officers no navy fighting at home - BritishAmerican

13 Resources war/American_revolution.htm war/American_revolution.htm

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